Thursday, October 7, 2021

Blogger #8 - Marco Esteban - Period 9 - 10/7/21

 Aim: How does the capacity to draw conclusions from clues aid in our competence to accurately gauge other outcomes?

Do now: Think/Pair/Share 

Why do you believe so many people enjoy a mystery, or mysteries?

My partner shared that people enjoy mysteries because people want to be involved and included in something. I think it's because people want to feel important in the sense that they would be important and special if they solved a mystery or for just simple curiosity.

This period the class did an activity in where every group had to find out five things in a murder mystery.

The murderer

The murder weapon

The time of the murder

The place of the murder

The motive

We were given 21 clues to help us figure the mystery out.


  1. The body had a knife wound near the heart and a bullet wound in the right thigh.

  2. Mr. Scott lives in a main floor apartment.

  3. Mrs. Jones said her husband was last seen with a briefcase, which was not found with the body.

  4. The coroner reported that the body had been dead for approximately two hours.

  5. Blood stains were found inside Mr. Brown's apartment, outside Mr. Scott's apartment, and inside the elevator.

  6. The elevator operator reported that Mr. Jones was limping.

  7. Mr. Scott is a struggling actor.

  8. The elevator operator took Mr. Jones up to Mr. Brown's apartment at 11:55 p.m.

  9. A knife was found outside Miss Smith's office.

  10. Miss Smith reported that she saw Mr. Jones downstairs at 12: 10 a.m.

  11. Miss Smith reported that Mrs. Jones was often seen going to Mr. Scott's apartment.

  12. Residents near the Brown apartment say they overheard two men arguing about money that one had come to collect.

  13. Mr. Jones had accused Mr. Brown of embezzling a large sum of money.

  14. The elevator operator went off duty at 12:15 a.m.

  15. Miss Smith found Mr. Jones's body at 2:25 a.m. in a janitor closet.

  16. Miss Smith, while in the lobby, reported that no stranger entered or left the building between 11: 15 and 1:00 a.m.

  17. Mr. Brown and Mr. Jones were business partners.

  18. Miss Smith owns the apartment building.

  19. At 1:00 a.m. Mr. Brown told police he had shot an intruder.

  20. A police officer recognized the elevator operator as a known gambler.

  21. Witnesses confirmed that Mrs. Jones and Mr. Scott left a play rehearsal at 1:30 a.m.

I was the one who figured out that the murder must have taken place around 12:25 am, because the coroner determined that the body had been dead for two hours and the body was discovered at 2:25. Then as a group we came to the consensus that the murder weapon was the knife out of the two possible murder weapons, because we believed that a gunshot wound to the leg would not be enough to kill Mr. Jones. We then determined that the most likely person who murdered Mr. Jones was Mr. Brown because blood was found in his apartment and his motive was for money because he was accused of embezzling money by Mr. Jones.

So this was our group's guess at each of the things.

The murderer - Mr. Brown

The murder weapon - The knife

The time of the murder - 12:25 a.m.

The place of the murder - Mr. Browns apartment

The motive - Greed/revenge

And finally after all the groups gave their answers it was revealed that…

The murderer was the elevator operator who killed Mr. Jones with a knife in the hallway at 12:25 a.m. because he wanted the money in Mr. Jones briefcase to have more to gamble with. Our group got 3 out of the 5 things correct.

In conclusion we all learned how to draw conclusions with clues to determine an outcome. This is a useful skill that will help us not only in school where we will draw conclusions from what the text gives us, but also in life in general by being able to draw conclusions from what people tell us and being able to solve other mysteries ourselvess.

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