Monday, October 18, 2021

Blogger #13 - David Huang - Period 8 - 10/18/2021

 Questions about Mask Project: blogs during mask projects cancelled, 10/21/2021 and 10/22/2021,we will be working on Mask project. 

If you have your mask, put masks in bags, period number and group number to keep in closet until we need them

Slide 1

AIM: How do the colors of the room symbolically demonstrate how the presence of the clock is a manifestation of the theme of inescapable death in “The Masque of the Red Death”?

Do Now: Think/Pair/Share

In literature, SPECULATE what could a clock possibly represent? 

Johnathan: a clock could represent someone’s life cycle. Has a hand that goes in a circle and could represent someone’s life

Elizabeth: like a day

Mohammad: how fast or slow life and the day goes by

Mrs.Peterson: During the second book of Twilight, Bella is trapped in an infinite time loop because Edward left and it seems like a long time when they are in a room. It is also represented by seasons. It was showing how much time had gone by and how the character was not productive. The loss and despair she was experiencing. Clocks don’t have to be physical and tangible. Could represent time and speed of things. 

Slide 2

Next activity: Compare life outside the palace with the life of the people Prosperous brought inside.

In my group: Jason said inside they are all together and outside they are forced to be separated, also answered out loud in class.

In the class 

Inside: Inside people are very sheltered all the windows come from windows, tinted while EX: Wealth, Fantasy, Life, Happiness, Healthy, Hope

Outside: On the outside they have the sun beaming down on them. Segregation could get someone else infected Poverty, Reality, Death/Destruction, Sorrow, Disease/Sickness, Despair

Slide 3

Next activity:

What is the Symbolic meaning of the following colors?

In my group:

Blue: sky and sea/freedom

Purple: Royalty, creativity, playful

Green: Life, Hope, Naive, Immature, Nature

Orange: Joy and Sunshine

White: Purity/ innocence

Violet: Modesty, wisdom, sensitivity 

Black: Death, cold, negative

In the class:

Blue: Elliot- cool,calm,peaceful 20 points to his team Ms. Purple:Joey- loyalty creativity 20 points to his team

Green:Jason-Nature, new life, hope, immaturity 20 points to our team 

Orange: Fiona: joy sunshine, enthusiasm 20 points to her team

White: Kiara: Light, purity, life

Violet: Johnathan: wisdom, sensitivity 

Black: Vincent: Negative, death, evil, witchcraft 


Slide 4

Next activity: Annotate “The Masquerade of Death” 

Paragraphs 5-8

Mrs. Peterson reads while class listens and annotates.


Next activity: Answer questions

In my group:

1) Describe Prince Prospero’s orders on how their masks should be decorated.

Very grotesque and unique in their own way

2) Describe the mood of the masquerade ball.

Happy like a regular party until the clock chimes

3) Explain why none of the maskers enter the black room.

How could this have a symbolic significance?

The black room goes with the significance of the color black, death and negative just like what is happening outside

4) What effect does the clock have on those who venture

into the black room; in comparison to those who

refuse to enter? Explain the significance of this event.

Didn’t get to discuss

5) Describe what the maskers see at the stroke of

midnight? Explain their reaction to this sight.

A tall masked man covered in blood, looks like a corpse

In the class: 

1) Describe Prince Prospero’s orders on how their masks should be decorated.

Kiara: To be unique and stand out, grotesque, messed up and out there

Mrs. Peterson- Matches to Prince Prospero’s own taste, everything he does is out of the norm

2) Describe the mood of the masquerade ball.

Elizabeth- happy and playful. Then clock chimes and they all stop and just stop instead of starting again. 20 points to her team

Mrs. Peterson- all having a good time at ball, food and fun. Once the clock chimes, their demeanor and emotion changes. Goes to uncomfortable and demeanor, sorrow

3) Explain why none of the maskers enter the black room.

How could this have a symbolic significance?

Elizabeth- As the day approaches the end, they are less willing to approach death

Mrs. Peterson- That black room starts resembling death. In revealer positions- room with blood, reminds them of all the selfish ways they left everyone outside to die. In addition, the symbolic significance is this and how they left everyone else to defend for themselves.

4) What effect does the clock have on those who venture

into the black room; in comparison to those who

refuse to enter? Explain the significance of this event.

Class ended, finishing tomorrow

5) Describe what the maskers see at the stroke of

midnight? Explain their reaction to this sight.

Class ended, finishing tomorrow


Today, we discussed the symbolism of many different things including clocks, the inside and outside of the palace, and the colors of the windows. We also continued reading “The Masquerade of Death” paragraphs 5-8. The symbolism of a clock is not all physical. It could also be what the clock represents, time and speeding up and down. All the colors show a great deal of symbolism which is represented in the slide 4 runthrough. All the different colors describe and symbolize many different aspects of our daily lives and emotions that we all feel. We see in “The Masquerade of Death” how everyone’s masks are different in their own way, representing themselves and only themselves. The clock in the story also represents gloominess because of how everyone’s changes once it chimes and they start feeling sad and depressed. Symbolism is almost everywhere in our everyday lives and you can find a lot if you just look around.

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