Sunday, October 3, 2021

Blogger #3, Menuka Dissanayake, Pd 9, 9/29/2021


Many of the terms in the table relate one another like disability, handicap and intelligence, abnormal. When some without a disability is competing with someone with a disability they use a handicap to compete fairly and equally. Handicap is used to make people more alike, and make abnormal things normal. And life, liberty, rights, equality, and pursuit of happiness are all interconnected. People believe that everyone should be equal because everyone deserves equal happiness. And rights are used to make people more equal, which might give people more liberty or take away someone else's liberty. Although people think being equal means happiness others might think that being equal means restricting their lives using rights. Everyone's opinions of these terms might differ from each other, because not everyone thinks in the same way. 

  • Equality has been a largely debated topic in the world for many centuries, first was the abolition of slaver and then the women rights movemonts. People believe that equality makes everyone happy and it will be fair for evey one. That is why equality has become a hot topic in today's society. And it is mainly in the US, because the US enjoys more equality than many other countries, so they don’t want to lose it.

  • Society is so concerned about equality of people because many people want to make others around them the same status as themselves. This might benefit the majority but it also makes the rich lower their status. That is fine, because society is more and more interested in equality even your status, and power doesn’t exclude you from the laws.

  1. Disagree, because if everyone in the USA was equal then there is no need to do new things, invent new things, or achieve anything previously thought unachievable. There are two varieties in each country so they would operate orderly.

  2. Laws are,

Don’t commit crimes

Follow the rights

Don’t discriminate

  1. Generally we would use a handicap on normal people to help those with disabilities catch up. Then compete fairly with each other.

  2. Many problems may occur in society that enforces equality because even though a majority like equality, some oppose it. Those minority of people think that equality is used to oppress them, and they can’t do whatever they want with the riches and power they control. There is no specific way to handle these problems but improvements in the local law enforcement can help enforce equality. And stopping people from taking things in to their own hands might help enforce equality.

  3. I believe that however hard humanity tries to become equal it would happen when there are no humans left. That is because even if there is one human alive they would still like to have more power than someone else. This has been, and will be the nature of human society.

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