Friday, October 29, 2021

Blogger #22- Derek Nguyen- Period 2- 10/21/21

We left off on what we hadn’t finished from yesterday’s lesson on the lesson “3 Odyssey:  Homer’s Invocation on the Anticipation Guide slide. Once we had finished that lesson we  then went onto Lesson 4 on the Odyssey  

Aim: How does “Sailing From Troy” and “The Lotus Eaters” establish Odysseus’ role as a  leader? 

We then worked on the Do Now which was: 

Consider the fact that Odysseus has been trying to return to his home in Ithaca for 10  years. Imagine being away from your home for that long 

1) What would you miss most and why? 

-You would miss your old memories because your home is where you had spent your life.  -Family, because I care for them and they care for me.  

-My bed, it’s more comfortable than others and its a place of warmth and comfort. -Your home culture 

-Your language, it’ll be hard to communicate with others in a  

foreign place 

-If your away from home for too long you’ll start to have delusion  

such as the memories -you made at your home. 

2) Why do we have sayings like the ones below? 

-Home is what we feel most comfortable its where we feel the  

most safe. 

The method by which an author creates the personality and appearance of their character Direct Characterization: The author makes direct statements about the character (can be  revealed through a narrator or through another character in the story). The author  TELLS the reader what they want them to know. 

Indirect Characterization: indirectly stated from character's actions, choices they make,  dialogue/relationships with others, thoughts, feelings. The author SHOWS the reader  what they want them to know. 

Use the STEAL method for Indirect Characterization 



Effect on others toward the character. 



SPEECH - What does the character say?  

How does the character speak?

THOUGHTS - What is revealed through the  

character’s private thoughts and feelings? 

EFFECTS - What is revealed through the character’s  

effect on other people?  

How do other characters feel or behave in reaction to the character? ACTIONS - What does the character do?  

How does the character behave? 

LOOKS - What does the character look like?  

How does the character dress? 

After we went over this page we then watched the video linked in the slide Once we finished the video we read the short story “Sailing from Troy”:https:// usp=drivesdk 

Then worked together in groups on the question: 


Keep in mind that the Odyssey is the account of Odysseus' ten year journey back home to  Ithaca. He misses his family and home; therefore, we will often find connections to this  throughout the poem.  

Identify lines in which Odysseus talks about his home in Ithaca.  

How does he feel about it? (Specific lines/Textual Evidence that describe these  feelings)  

-The lines 35-37 say that even if he finds a house of gold it wouldn’t surpass his own  home.  

-He holds his home very close to his heart and misses it 

-he is ver prideful of his own home, he doesn’t directly say it but he implies it. WHOLE CLASS DISCUSSION 

Then we read “Lotus Eaters” in the same document. 

Once again after we had read the entire story we then worked on the group work  questions.: 


2.What kind of world do you think the Lotus Eaters live in? 

Describe the type of lifestyle it is? 

-The Lotus Eaters live in a world where they are distracted by their troubles -The Lotus Eaters live in this perfect utopia, and are like the hippies of our world.  3.What do you think Homer is implying about this lifestyle/world? 

How does The Odyssey characterize the land of the Lotus-eaters as a veritable (real or  genuine) paradise? And, why, then, is this land seen by Odysseus and others as negative,  and something from which to escape? What do you think is wrong with such a place, if  anything? 

4. Consider the kind of leader Odysseus appears to be in "Sailing from Troy."

How do his leadership abilities compare to how he is in "The Lotus Eaters?" Has your opinion of him changed? Why/Why not? 

Why do you think these events are important to understanding Odysseus' character? - 

5. In your notes, create a group list of the key events in "The Lotus Eaters." - 


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