Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Blogger #8, Angela Guo, Period 5, 10/06/21

 Aim: How does a writer’s use of clues aid in the reader’s ability to draw conclusions?


1) Describe your favorite mystery (can be literary, T.V. or even a movie)

2) Explain why it’s your favorite * Give specific characteristics/details.

As the class began, we started with a discussion of the do now. As it states above, the discussion topic was our favorite mystery. The class listed off shows such as “Your Turn To Die”, “Bones”, “Sherlock Holmes”, “Hotel Del Luna”, and “Murder on the Orient Express.” My classmates said that they chose these particular shows because of the suspenseful story and characters involved in the story. Personally, one of my favorite mysteries is “Detective Conan.” I especially like this mystery as I find interest in the creative ways that the show depicts murder. Throughout the series, actual murders that occurred as well as magic shows inspired the murders. 

One of the shows listed by my classmates.

After discussing the do now, we did a spirit reading about clues to help us strengthen our understanding of what clues were. 

(Definition of a clue from Merriam-Webster -

Clue: a piece of evidence or information used in the detection of a crime or solving of a mystery. 

Along with strengthening our understanding of clues, we also learned how to make inferences in literature by watching a video provided by Khan Academy. 

(Making Inferences In Literary Texts -

Detective clipart 3 - Clipartix

Class Activity: With the gained knowledge of identifying clues, we were then given an example to complete as a class, which were two clues that then led to a conclusion. 

Clue #1: A group of boys walked onto a dusty, dirt field. 

Clue #2: They were carrying bats, hardballs, and gloves. 

Conclusion: They were about to play baseball. 

Group Activity: After completing the first example together as a class, we were given 5 more clues to determine a conclusion to which we completed with our respective groups. (The clues are as follows) 

1. The man donned a mask. He put a gun in his pocket. He walked into the bank.

Conclusion the man was going to rob the bank.

2. The fisherman felt a powerful tug on the line and jerked the rod back. A large bass broke water about twenty feet from shore.

Conclusion the fisherman was fishing and was about to catch a large fish.

3. The man gazed lovingly at the woman. She smiled back. Nervously, he reached for the ring in his pocket.

Conclusion the man was about to propose. 

4. The child developed a fever, and large, itchy bumps appeared. In the past month, six children in the neighborhood had contracted chickenpox.

Conclusion the child caught chickenpox.

After this exercise, we were given 5 minutes to create our own clues and conclusions within our groups. 

My group’s clues and conclusion 

Clue 1: Short girl with black hair goes to school nervous and worried.

Clue 2: The teacher starts handing out papers and Angela gulps in fear.

Clue 3: Angela looked at the paper with confusion and a worried feeling in her chest.

Additional clues: She walks out of the class sobbing.

Conclusion: Angela failed the test.

Other groups examples:

Clue 1: The husband is coming home late.

Clue 2: He never has his ring on.

Clue 3: He always has some other girl’s perfume.

Conclusion: The husband was cheating on her wife.

Concluding the lesson, we were given the essential question.

Essential Question: Why is the ability to identify clues essential to enhancing comprehension in all facets of literature and life? 

My class answered that it’s essential to have the ability to identify clues because not everything will be given to you in both literature and life. To determine the actual meaning behind a person’s true intentions in life, as well as an author’s true purpose in literature, we must be able to identify the clues. By identifying the clues, we can analyze deeper to have a deep understanding of the meaning of things in both literature and life. 

Reflection: Today we learned the definition of a clue and how to use the clues to conclude. As stated in the lesson, a clue is a piece of evidence or information used in the detection of a crime or solving of a mystery. It is essential to identify clues because, as we answered in the essential question, not everything will be given to you in both literature and life. For that reason, you will need the ability to identify clues to better understand a situation or text. Without the ability to identify clues, it will be much more difficult to determine the conclusion in both literature and life. Determining the conclusion is a skill that is crucial to have, as only then will you be able to understand the author/person’s true meaning/intention. To understand the meaning, we must first use our ability to identify clues, which then leads to determining the conclusion to understand the meaning. I will use what I have learned today to better understand different situations that I come across in literature as a reader by identifying the clues from the text to come to a plausible conclusion. 

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