Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Blogger #17 - Chandler Mei - Period 5 -10/26/21

Aim: How do we view ourselves in relation to our society? I.e., How do we view civilization?

Do now: Define the term “Civilization”. Think Pair Share 

We were given a bit of time to think about this question with our group. My group defined it as a community of people that live together and have a culture and share life together. Ms. Peterson’s definition of civilization was, “A human society having an advanced stage of development in the arts, and sciences, and social, political, and cultural complexity.”

Team activity for the day: We read a simulation called “Abandoned” and answered these questions based upon the reading. 

The reading: You and a group of your classmates are going to Florida at spring break time.  The plane is hijacked. Without allowing the pilot to radio for instructions, the hijackers direct the plane to Australia.  At the first refueling stop, the hijackers release everyone over thirty, which leaves only you and your friends.  During the flight over the Pacific, the crew attempts to subdue the hijackers.  In the ensuing battle, all are killed but the pilot, who has been mortally wounded, and the passengers who were on the floor of the plane during the gunfight.  Holding the plane on course as long as he can, the pilot crashes just off the shore of an island.  When the plane cracks open on a coral reef, you and your friends successfully swim to shore.  As all of you stand ashore watching the plane sink, you realize that no one knows where you are, that you have nothing with you, and that you might be on the island for quite some time, perhaps forever.  The climate is tropical; the island is covered with fruit trees, and it is apparently uninhabited except for the members of your group.

  1. List the things in your present life that you will miss the most.  Why? 

  2. Try to decide whether the possession(s) of some of these things would mark you as a civilized person. Explain

  3. What are some of the long-range plans that you would have to implement to create a new life for yourself and the others on the island?  Why?

  4. How would your group handle the inevitable personality clashes that would occur?

  5. What would be the biggest problem(s) you would face?  Why?

  6. How would you make decisions?

  7. How would you determine rules/laws? And what would be your process when rules/laws are broken?

  8. Can you think of anything historical that would dictate/determine the order in which things should occur?

My Team 2 answered: 

  1. Our families and friends would be what we missed most. We would also miss technology. Our family and friends are the most important people in our lives and we are extremely attached to our technology. 

  2. We thought about skateboards and books. Books would mark us as civilized people but we were unsure about whether or not a skateboard holds the same value and meaning.

  3. We would have to learn how to pick the fruit off of the trees that we would have on the island in order to survive and eat. If we did not learn how to climb trees we would starve. 

  4. My group said that we would argue out the disagreements between us. 

  5. The biggest problem that we would face is surviving the elements, such as rain, the cold, animals that might attack us, and the constant issue of what our next meal will be. 

  6. We would make decisions by fighting amongst each other and whoever came out the strongest would have their way. 

  7. We would determine the rules and laws by following the rules of whoever is the strongest. If our rules are broken, we get punished by the others on the island. 

  8. Our group could not think of any historical events that reflect this simulation and its eventual outcome. 

The other groups raised several good points to add on such as:

  • Water would need to be found and purified since you are surrounded by salt water

  • Toiletries and toothbrushes and other daily items that are used are usually overlooked when thinking about what things you would miss when you are stranded

  • Other food sources such as animals would need to be obtainable because fruits cannot be a sole source of sustenance 

  • Some people said that everyone should take care of their own chores while others said that a leader should be appointed to assign tasks among everyone

  • Separating people into different groups could lead to very bad consequences and disagreements on the island

  • One of the biggest problems we’d face is how unprepared we are to live on the island since we are inexperienced teenagers


Today’s lesson was very engaging and interesting. I found it very fun to imagine the scenery of the island and the conflicts that I would have among the people I landed with.  It also provided a way for the students to learn about each other and everyone’s mindsets on a situation like this. Some students are more reserved than others and did not appreciate the thoughts of conflict on the island while others were eager to prove their place with their fists and fights. It was fun to imagine life on an island; some students thought that it would be a welcome escape from reality onto a paradise island while others realized that they would want to return home as soon as possible. What I learned from today’s lesson is that there are different opinions on what it’d be like to run away from society and live in isolation. I would like to have a lesson like this again where I am involved in deep discussion with my classmates where I can learn more about their opinions on different topics and how they’d think differently than myself. 

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