Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Blogger #16 -Bang Lee- Period 9- 10.27.2020

 Aim: How does a close-reading of Lord of the Flies demonstrate the power that naming has in society?

Do Now: Write - The history of your first name: Why were you given that name? Does it have any meaning? Does it define you in any way? Do you think it adds to your character?

For the Do Now, I wrote that I have no clue on why I was named the way I was. My parents have never told me so I have no idea what it could mean. However, it does define my character in a way that it tells me I have to cast my own shadow to society, since its so unique.

Pair-Share into Whole Group Discussion: Look at the titles of the chapters. 

  • How do they function as ‘names’?

  • How do the titles of each chapter show elements of foreshadowing?

Pair-Share group discussion made us realize that the names of the chapters always described an object. The object is most likely going to appear in the story in that chapter. It gives us a sense of foreshadowing by giving us objects that the characters would interact with or symbolizing something that the characters are going to do.


How is ‘naming’ used here?

What does it do for someone if they are called ‘Piggy’ rather than their real name?

How do we feel about Ralph?

Naming is used to show characteristics that the name alludes to. The nickname Piggy alludes to the physical traits that a pig would have and would give others a bad impression. Ralph, due to how he acted, seems to be insensitive and a typical 10-year old bully and also shows that he cares only for himself due to indirect characterization. It also shows that he has no immaturity.

Respond on Classroom: Choose one of the following three characters:

Ralph, Jack or Piggy. Write a brief explanation of their characterization (both direct and indirect). Use evidence from the text to support your claims.

Bang’s response(me):Ralph has is a character that screams immaturity and naivety. Although he has lots of courage and strength as shown in the beginning, where he darts all around and not fearing anything, he is shown to not have a lot of thinking. As he is made leader, his charismatic attitude is the only thing that helps him become chief.

Lapyan’s response:Jack Merridew has freckles and is the leader of the boy’s choir and can sing well. He’s arrogant and a definite leader. He is very domineering and intimidating to those around him. This is shown when the children take a vote on who should be chief: “”I ought to be chief,” said Jack with simple arrogance, “because I’m chapter chorister and head boy. I can sing C sharp.”….”All right, who wants Jack for chief?” With dreary obedience the choir raised their hands…the freckles on Jack’s face disappeared under a blush of mortification.” This also shows that Jack is not well liked among the boys.

Brandon’s response:


Direct: The book said that Piggy was short and very fat. According to "LOTF", it states, "He was shorter then the fair boy and very fat. The author, William Golding, is directly telling us that Piggy was shorter and fatter than Ralph, or in this case the fair boy. 

Indirect: "When we was coming down I looked through one of their windows. I saw the other part of the plane. There were flames coming out of it." This quote tells us that Piggy typically likes to think things through and is much more mature than the other kids. Since they immediately started chanting," No grownups." Piggy was curious how they got into this predicament.  

All of these responses show different characters and their characteristics. Ralph is seen as a reckless person with typical child-like naivety. Jack is seen as an authoritative person and someone who has taken charge. Piggy is seen as a thoughtful person and a thinker.

Reflection: Names have a powerful impact on society. Our names are the first thing a person would hear as people would ask for your name. It acts as an identification from other things and also convenient as the being or object in question would be easy to identify in a conversation. By giving nicknames, we create a secondary name that describes a trait of the person. This also gives people an idea of how the person is due their name as well.

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