Monday, October 18, 2021

blogger #14 Vincent Liu pd 5 10/18/21

 Sophomores 2022 

Aim:How do the colors of the room symbolically demonstrate how the presence of the clock is a manifestation of the theme of inescapable death in “The Masque of the Red Death”? 

Do now:think pair and share, what does a clock symbolize in literature. 

I think that the clock could be a sign of a eternity as well as a cycle and that time passes and yet some thing stay. it also remind me of the snake that eats its own tail ouroboros. In class discussion, they said that the clock could represent urgency, and impatience. They also thought the sounds of clock ticking would be representing your life ticking away. 

Activity: We then compared the life inside and outside of the palace and the circumstances were listed below. The class then listed the symbolic meanings of colors 

Inside: a life of luxury, blissful ignorance, fantasy, life 

Outside: poverty, struggle for supplies, reality, death 

Meaning of colors 








cool, calm, peaceful 

creative, whimsical, unstable new life, immaturity, nature joy, health, determination purity, enlightenment, hope wisdom, bravery, thoughtfulness despair, negative, evil 

Reading and questions: 

1.Describe Prince Prospero’s orders to how their masks should be decorated He wanted to make the masks to seem grotesque, to make it glare and glitter. 2.Describe the mood of the masquerade ball. 

It was light hearted and happy until the masked figure appeared and made it tense 3.Explain why none of the maskers enter the black room. How could this have a symbolic significance? 

None of the people wanted to enter as it reminded them of the red death and reminds them of their own inaction and it makes them feel uncomfortable 

4.What effect does the clock have on those who venture into the black room; in comparison to

those who refuse to enter? Explain the significance of this event. 

It makes them aware of the passage of time and also stuns them by giving them a sense of unease that amplifies the sudden appearance of the strange masked figure. 5.Describe what the maskers see at the stroke of midnight? Explain their reaction to this sight. They see a person with a mask that looks like a corpse. It scares them and it makes them fearful 

Reflection: the use of symbolism is great for making you think of the implications of a specific item or description. with colors or other objects that have a physical form that we can it, people can picture a idea and that makes it a more comprehensive reading experience.

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