Friday, October 15, 2021

Blogger #18 Adam Lyun, Period 2, 10/15/21

Aim: How can an understanding of Greek myths and heroes prepare us for our examination of Homer’s epic poem, The Odyssey?


Brainstorm the qualities that you feel belong to a “hero”.  What do you believe might  be a working definition of “hero” you could share with the class.

Hero- Bravery, Courage, someone that is admirable, justice, noble, superhuman qualities


What (if anything) do you already know about Greek heroes and Greek mythology?

There's about 12 Greek gods and goddesses. Most Greek heroes are demigods. A lot of Greek heroes are chosen by god. The Big Three: Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades. They often fought with each other and used humans to fight for them.

The Greeks were polytheists. Believe that gods took an active part in humans lifes and had character traits like humans.


Why would an author/storyteller choose to use these elements?

They use it so the readers can relate and understand about the characters.

Why do they make heroes have a weakness?

You can root for the heroes and to let the reader know that not everyone is perfect.


1.Draw your own conclusion on this argument.  Do you agree or disagree with the concept that the word “hero” has become overused?  Why or why not?

I believe that the word “hero” has become overused because anyone can be a hero. For example, I can be the hero to a homeless person because I may have given them some spare change. My friend may also have a  hero who is just a random person they met because they would want to be like them

2.When we create heroes in fiction, we almost can't help but give them superhuman powers because what a hero does to be a hero is something which seems like people should be incapable of doing.  It is something truly “other”.

You can compare hercules and superman. Both characters are very overpowered and have godlike abilities but have few weaknesses to stop them.

3.Do you think, as a modern society, we are searching for a “superhuman” hero similar to the Ancient Greeks, despite our overuse of the term?  Why or why not?

I think modern society searches for a superhuman similar to the Ancient Greeks despite the overuse of the term. This is because, when you think of the popular superheroes that are currently popular, most of them have special powers that are godly traits. For example, Thor from the Avengers is the Norse god of lightning thor. The Flash is also similar to Hermes because both of them are quick. Wonder Woman is also similar to the goddess of Athena because both of them are intelligent and fight in battles.


Today in class we learned about Greek mythology,  Epics and the word, Hero. We were taught about the different Greek gods and goddesses and how many Epics were based off of them. The most famous Epics that are known are, “The Odyssey” and “The Iliad”. These 2 stories also contained heroes that had godlike powers but still had a weakness.  We learned this because we are currently learning about different types of poems and the overuse of the word Hero. I can use these facts in the future because I can remember that not every person is perfect. So the next time I mess up, I can learn from my mistake and move on.

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