Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Blogger #15 -Brandon Lam- Period 9- 10.26.202

 Aim: How do we view ourselves in relation to our society? I.e., How we view civilization?

Do Now: Think/ Pair/ Share; “Define the term civilization.” 

I think the term civilization means a group of people that are cooperating to survive and advance.  

Team activity: ABANDONED 

For this activity we had to work together as a team and figure out the most probable scenarios that would happen, if our plane were to get hijacked and sent on a crash course to a remote tropical island, with only our group surviving. 

  1. List the things in your present life that you will miss the most. Why?

Some things that we’ll miss the most are family, electronics, and good food. Family is always important and maintaining a strong relationship with your family is very important since they will always be there for you and provide for you. Electronics are important as well since now in everyday life you don’t even realize when you’re using an electronic device, it just comes naturally to you. Finally, good food, food can express so much emotion and positivity, so when you eat food you don’t like, you’ll feel negative and less cooperative. 

  1. Try to decide whether the possession(s) of some of these things would mark you as a civilized person. Explain

Electronics would mark you as a civilized person because it’s more advanced than primitive equipment. Good food would also be classified as being a civilized person because to have good food you usually need to have the equipment like pots or pans to create the dishes. 

  1. What are some of the long-range plans that you would have to implement to create a new life for yourself and the others on the island? Why?

We should try to immediately discover a way to get food and water, then proceed to ration out resources until we have a steady supply of it. The next course of action would probably then be to contact the outside world, either by boat or lighting large bonfires to alert potential planes.  

  1. How would your group handle the inevitable personality clashes that would occur?

We would give each other different roles to try to survive, we need to work together because if we won’t it’ll be our death. If there was a big conflict that occurred we would try to diffuse the situation and try to bring each other to the correct mindset to continue forward and survive. 

  1. What would be the biggest problem(s) you would face? Why?

The biggest problems we would face are lacking the knowledge to survive and gather food. This lack of knowledge would make it really hard to grow plants since we don’t have botanist skills. Gathering food would be difficult as well since there is a limited amount of fruit on the island and it takes a while for fruit trees to grow. 

  1. How would you make decisions?

We would try to create a leader and decide everything off of votes so that everyone would have an equal say to a matter. 

  1. How would you determine rules/laws? And what would be your process when

rules/laws are broken?

We would use rules that were previously known and if someone were to break a rule we’ll throw them in a pit until they get their head clear. 

  1. Can you think of anything historical that would dictate/determine the order in

which things should occur?

We would either die because of the lack of knowledge of the world or, we would live long enough, get enough food and supplies, then build a boat and try to communicate with the outside world. 

William Golding

William Golding is the author for the popular book Lord of the Flies. He is known for adding experiences from his times in World War II into his literature. It’s also talked about how this is in tangent with current problems in lack of respect for leadership figures. 

Picture of William Golding 

Reflection: We learned about civilization and what it actually means to be civilized. We also talked about the importance of many common appliances that are often overlooked and forgotten. We talked about things that were most important to us and how during troubling times like being stranded on an island, it’s best to work together as a cooperative team, to survive and accomplish more. I learned this because it’s good to understand what you have now and to really appreciate what you have. I’ll use what I learned in the future by not overlooking things like toilet paper and to really appreciate what I have.

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