Friday, October 8, 2021

Blogger #15- Mitchel Lazis- Period 2- 10/08/2021

 Today we learned a lot, especially about sonnet’s. We learned how to analyze them and find their rhyme patterns. We also figured out the theme and the differences between two different sonnets and what they were about and their messages. This helped me and the other students to know how to analyze sonnets in the future and how to make sure we did it correctly. We also learned some new terms like petrarchan that we can use in the future. Without this lesson we would not know so much about sonnet’s. Today was a really interesting and important part of our unit.

Me and my teammates learned a lot today. We spoke about and went through every question. We analyzed the sonnets and figured out the answers together and we worked very well together as a group. It was a very fun activity and it made our group get used to working together and now we work a lot better together. We figured out the themes and rhyme patterns of the sonnets together and spoke to each other. Today was challenging but we went through it and at the end we felt good that we worked so well together.

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