Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Blogger #14 - Anton Yanaky - Period 9 - 10/19/2021

Aim: How do the rooms embody the metaphor for life in “The Masque of the Red Death”?

Do Now: Whole Class Discussion

Why do you believe most students see the name “Shakespeare” and cringe (shrink)?

We were given time to discuss this question with our groups. My group reached the consensus that Shakespeare is associated with school and, therefore, we immediately think bad of it. In the class discussion Yanna mentioned how Shakespeare is known for his old english and difficult vocabulary, this could possibly confuse many people who are not familiar with that style. Crystal made a wonderful point that Shakespeare is only read for school, and we connote it as not fun without thinking otherwise.

Mrs. Peterson pointed out that there are multiple versions of English and how Shakespeare wrote in an older style of English. Below is an example of similar sentences in different English versions.

Theme: (N) The meaning of a work; a central idea, point, and underlying meaning of a literary work that may be stated directly or indirectly; critical belief about life that the author is trying to convey; author’s intended message to the audience.

We reviewed the definition of the theme very quickly so we would understand the next portion of the lesson. Below I provided a supplementary link explaining what theme is.


The Seven Ages of Man Activity

We watched an excerpt from the video “7 ages of man” and read an excerpt from Shakespeare’s “As you like it”. This prepared us to complete the worksheet that was provided.

The class then discussed how the number “7” appears everywhere in literature depicting our lives. There are the seven deadly sins, the seven stages of life and many more.

We discussed the seven deadly sins and which ones Prince Prospero indulged. Prince Prospero committed 3 sins throughout his castle, greed, shown by his gathering of only the richest. Pride, and lust were the other two mentioned.


Today’s lesson was very applicable to not only English class but also to my whole life. Reading the excerpt from Shakespeare lessened my fear of his writings and made me positive that I would not have too much trouble reading his works. Especially as his writings were translated into modern English which are leagues easier to read and comprehend fully. I am looking forward to when we start tackling other difficult works of literature. The seven stages of life were eye opening as to how my life fits into the mold of the stages. This lesson is a prime example of how this course will help me not only with how to interpret Shakespeare but also how to interpret key aspects of my life.

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