Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Welcome to Ms. J. Peterson's Class Blogging 2023!

Dear Students and Families,

I am so excited to welcome you to my 2023 classroom blogging initiative! Student blogging has an important role in our classroom because each student will function as a "scribe" and be responsible for group learning.

We have had great success with posting blogs from 2019 to the present, and look forward to seeing that success continue for many more years.


  • To become effective global communicators.

  • To have every voice speak with the same volume.

  • To summarize and reflect upon each day's lesson.

  • To become responsible digital citizens.

  • To become creators of information.

Technical Requirements of the Blog

  • One student per class, per class will be responsible for blogging. Blogs will usually be checked within 7 days of posting (provided scheduling permits). (For example: Blogger #2, John Doe is in Period 5. If on September 17th it is his turn to blog, during class, his blog is due the same day, by September 17th - the night before  the NEXT class].  

  • Additionally, All blogs MUST be submitted to the assigned Blog Master no later than 9 pm of your due date; to ensure they have proper time for posting. All blogs MUST be posted by the Blog Masters no later than 11 pm that night, to ensure proper timely submissions occur.

  • Title of the blog at the top of the new post should include the following information, in the following order:

    • Student's Assigned Blogger #, Student's full name, class period, date

      • (For example: Blogger #2, John Doe, Period 5, 9/17/20).

    • Please use the date assigned, NOT date due.

    • Blog Masters take NOTE: Please make sure that the Blogger information (example: Blogger #2, John Doe, Period 5, 9/17/20) only appears in the title, and not the body of the post; to avoid redundancy. Therefore, this information should appear only 1 time.

  • Blog Masters MUST LABEL their blog with either: “Freshman Lit 2022” or “Sophomores 2022”.

  • Students are responsible for keeping track of when it is their time to blog by keeping track on the Blogger Sheet, which can be found via the Peterson Fresh or Sophomore Syllabus, via hyperlink.

  • Students are to comment and respond to one another, including asking questions or asking for clarification.

  • Blogs will be published on the world wide web, so we must practice digital citizenship and remember that our audience is GLOBAL, so our tone is FORMAL.

How to make sure your blog is formatted correctly?

  • Create your blog using Google Docs and use the Share Feature to provide your document to the assigned Blog master. This usually creates the easiest method for posting a blog that is formatted the way you wanted it. 

  • If you're experiencing formatting issues, which can occur when capturing pictures and such from the internet, the best way to correct the formatting issues is to avoid copying and pasting the information from the document, until you have used the Clear Formatting button on the task blogger bar (it's the last icon on the right. This feature is solely accessible for Blog Masters).

  • NOTE: Please recognize that the Blog Master's job is solely to post what you provide, and not to edit what you submit in any way.

When Do I Blog?

Please refer to the Google Sheets Blog Date List.

Sample of Excellent Blogs

Sample of Excellent Blogs (They had different requirements)

What does your blog grade mean?

  • MASTERY (MAX): Great work, you nailed it! You covered an amazing multimedia summary of the day's lesson (Multimedia is a form of communication that combines different content forms such as text, audio, images, animations, or video into a single interactive presentation, in contrast to traditional mass media which featured little to no interaction from users, such as printed material or audio recordings) of what happened in class using a clear, easy-to-read format. Most importantly, you absolutely included fantastic reflection which clearly draws connections to what you learned with real-life applications.
  • APPROACHING (APP): Your summary got the general gist of what happened in class, but could definitely use some elaboration and perhaps provided some multimedia,  OR your formatting is not aesthetic (ex. meaning it's running off the page) OR your reflection may be basic (such as just reflecting on how it can be applied in your schooling instead of the real world). 
  • DEVELOPING (DEV): You probably didn’t include a reflective aspect at all let alone multimedia or limited multimedia was included, or your summary was so minimal it was hard to have any idea what happened in class.
  • NOT YET (NY): Incredibly basic/incomplete and/or the tone was rude, offensive, or inappropriate for a school, public blog.
  • M: No blog written on your assignment day.

Blog Revisions and Reflections

  • Blogs will receive a grade within approximately 7 days of publication based on the guidelines above.

  • Blogs may be revised, edited, and updated if the student would like an opportunity to improve his/her grade, however, they MUST do so within 7 days of receiving their blog grade

  • All revised blogs must be resubmitted to the original Blog Master who posted the blog, so they can swap the revision for the previously-published blog.

  • IF the student does opt for a revision, he/she MUST EMAIL ME, via by responding to the original PupilPath message that was sent, coupled with a direct link to the NEWLY UPDATED ORIGINAL published blog (after the Blog master has published the revision) to inform and notify me to check the blog again.

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