Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Blog#40: William Chen: Period 7: 5/26/20

William Chen

Period 7

May 26, 2020

Sophomore 2020


Today in class, we continued to read the book “1987” by George Orwell

Aim - How does the setting of the novel contribute to the mood and tone of 1984?

Do Now- Turn and Talk: Consider your knowledge of Oceania thus far. What words, which provide “tone” might you use to describe Oceania (create a list)? Explain your word choices. 

  • Controlling 

  • Manipulative 

Answers Do Now:

  • Oppressive 

  • Censorship

  • Totalitarian

  • Tyranny 

  • Gloomy and Negative

What is Tone and Mood? How do they differ?

Tone - How the speaker feels

Mood - How the Reader feels 

*Sometimes the speaker is not always the author and can be the narrator*

Class Discussion

  1. How would you compare Winston’s tone to the reader’s mood?

  2. How does his tone compare to the rest of Oceania?


Class Discussion Answers: 

  • “... Urges to reply and realizes that there are consequences….”

  • “... he is just as pessimistic as the other people there….”

  • “... They conform easily and he doesn’t want to believe the government…”

What is Setting?

Setting - Is the time, place, physical details and circumstances in which a story occurs. They include the background, atmosphere, or environment in which characters live and move, and usu. include physical characteristics of the surroundings.

Usu - Universal language for “usually”

Class Discussion

  1. Why is SETTING important?

  2. How does it contribute to the meaning of the work as a whole?

Class Discussion Answers: 

  • “... setting reacts to society..”

  • “... totalitarian government..”

  • “... unsafe world..”

  • #13 is has a negative connotation due to religious beliefs

  • Winston is being watched by the government all the time  



Palimpsest - A manuscript or piece of writing material on which the original writing has been

effaced to make room for later writing but of which traces remain.



How does Palimpsest impact the past (history) and how does the government benefit in the future due to its implementation?

  • “.. Changing the past…”

  • “... He invents someone who didn’t even exist…”

  • “.. makes up comrade withers..”

  • “.. Memory can change overtime..”


Blog Content:

  • What is it like working from home? For most people who heard about the quarantine, people were depressed at first but for me, I was not sad nor happy. I felt interested and how this new form of schooling would turn out. For the first month, the experience was fine and I slowly got used to the online classes. After the first month though, it felt like everything that I’m learning is not as good as if put into an actual class.

  • What are you learning about your world/ community based on the reactions? On social media, there are great examples of how people help each other and collaborate through this pandemic. Every person cares more about their family and friends and everyone is trying to help each other in any way possible.

  • Personal Feelings and Thoughts: Everyday for the first couple of weeks were fine for me because I personally thought that this would be a new thing and it would be great if I tried it out. After those couple of weeks, it feels like the same day repeats over again and you think it is the same day but the numbers on the calendars change really quickly. I want to go out with friends after the quarantine is down and actually go outside. Staying home may be ideal for some people but I believe that staying home all the time is great at first but painful later on. 

Student Reflection:

Today, I learned about George Orwell’s book “ 1984” and how in a totalitarian society , things can be changed without anyone noticing. Memory can be manipulated by using forms of power. Setting can also affect how the mood and tone of a story. For example, a dark alleyway may resemble a spy or secretive mood to the reader. Another example was from class and talked about how my year of students have never seen 9/11 happen and because of this, we can be told anything and we would believe it.

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