Monday, May 11, 2020

Blog #32 - Wilson Wuchen - Period 9 - 5/11/2020

Wilson Wuchen
Period 9
Blogger #32

Aim I: How can students be controlled?
Aim II: How is man conflicted between both the desire to conform and the need to be an individual?

What is it like working from home?
    It has been very weird working from home because we generally think of home as a place where we relax so it conflicts with what we think of school. Thus in our home environment, we can get distracted more easily. Additionally, the activities we do before school helps us prepare for school. e.g. the bus ride to school. Without these activities, we wouldn’t be as focused and as ready as we normally would. 
What are the updates around the world/community regarding the virus?
    Currently, there are approximately four million confirmed cases worldwide with one-third of that number within the United States. Even though this number is still growing by the tens of thousands, the number of new cases each day is declining. States are now starting to reopen and we may be able to go outside soon unless there is a second wave of infection. 
Your own personal feelings and thoughts about what is happening right now.
    I really just want to go back to school, like so many others. I just want this entire pandemic to end but I know that can’t suddenly happen. I also want to thank all the healthcare workers and everyone else who is putting themselves at risk during this pandemic. This includes grocery workers, janitors, delivery people, etc. 

What did I learn?
    From today’s lesson, I learned what freedoms we have now and how some freedoms are restrictive because they need to be. I immediately thought about the Bill of Rights, and what freedoms we have as a result. Freedoms such as free speech and free press are regarded as basic freedoms by our society. We in the US are lucky because a few governments restrict free speech. Additionally, freedoms can be restricted for certain people if they try to abuse this, try to cause harm to others, or if they are seen as a threat.
Why did I learn it and how will I use what I learned?
We learned about freedoms and rules so we can apply it to our own decisions. This relates to our second aim of how we’re conflicted between both the desire to conform and the need to be an individual. For example if we are part of the law making process of the government, we have to take a stance on how we vote for the bill through two lenses: how it will affect the government and how it will affect people as an individual. The bill, such as the ability for the government to spy on its citizens, may be beneficial to the government but very harmful to the individual
In real life, our freedoms are primarily restricted by our school rules and our home rules. We may not think of them as rules anymore because we are so accustomed to living under them. What we learned today helps us better understand why we have the rules we have today and helps us create rules that may not be restrictive.

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