Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Blog #36 - Terrance Chan - Period 3 - 05/15/2020

Terrance Chan Pd3

Aim: How and why does Winston manage to resist the manipulative power of language and mob mentality?

Do Now:
“Comrades” you have been selected for re-education by the Party.

To begin, I want you to observe 3 citizens and write everything they do. Do not let them know you’re watching them! You have 5 minutes!

In this activity, we noticed that nobody seemed to be doing anything, one person noticed people were looking at the camera and then looking down, most likely doing the same thing everyone else was doing.

Another activity we did was making contradictory statements as mottos for NYC, as if we were the Mayor. An example of these contradictory statements from the book is “Freedom is Slavery” and one that I created is “quarantine is freedom”.

Reflection on today's lesson: Today we once again learned that words have meaning and power. How we use these words can influence how/what people think and even if we take these words away, the meanings may still be the same. This information is important because it can help us portray our messages better as well as communicate better in general, making us more conscious of our influence on others, even with just our words.

Working from home is very easy for me, in some cases we get to choose our hours (obviously not the meetings). This freedom makes school work either very easy or significantly harder depending on how you approach it. If you decide to wait for the last minute and submit everything at once, you'll find out that the work is too much for just an hour or two. But, if you stretch out your work and do it throughout the day taking breaks and setting “work times” and “play times”, you'll find your work to be much easier and manageable.

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