Saturday, May 16, 2020

Blog #34 - Tia Zheng - Period 3 - 05/09/2020

Blog# 34 - Tia Zheng - Pd3 - 5/9/2020

Tia Zheng Sophomore Pd3

Aim I: : How can students be controlled?
Aim II: How is man conflicted between both the desire to ​conform and the need to be an individual?

 Blog content:
 What is it like working from home?
To start off, working from home for me is somewhat flexible but troublesome at the same time. During this time in quarantine, I have had more time to complete assignments and have more freetime. However this free time has made me slack off more than usual in which I procrastinate more. There are also moments where I forget to complete an assignment and end up handing in work late. In conclusion working at home requires a lot more self management than when I attend school in person.

What are the updates around the world/community regarding the virus?
Regarding the virus, currently many people are practicing social distancing by staying at home in quarantine. Although social distancing will help stop the spread of the virus, there are still a vast majority of people who continue to deny the threat of it even though the statistics of the number of cases continue to increase at an alarming rate each day. In addition to this, president Trump claims that the situation is getting better and urges for business to reopen.

Your own personal feelings and thoughts about what is happening right now
Personally I think staying indoors and practicing social distancing is very important. If  everyone had taken this situation seriously from the beginning we could have avoided the number of cases we have now. I think people need to be more aware of urgent situations like this in the future and listen to those more informed instead of responding with skepticism. 

What did I learn?
In today’s lesson I learned about how freedom and equality comes into play in our everyday life. We wrote down what we associated with the word “freedom” and discussed how we felt about rules that are being applied everyday whether by our teacher or parents. From the discussion I learned that the general class agreed on the necessity of rules but should not be abused. In addition, I also learned that not everyone’s lucky enough to have freedom which makes me both sad and relieved as I am able to live a free life.
Why did I learn it?
I learned about freedom in this lesson because it is relevant to our daily life and should be taken into consideration as we make decisions. One example of using our freedom is when we vote for laws to be vetoed or passed. If passed we have to abide by the rules thus adding onto limitations, however most rules are necessary for the society to function. In conclusion, there should be some limitations to our freedom to keep yourself as well as others safe.
How will I use what I have learned?
Using what I have learned, I will be able to make wiser decisions based on  my new understanding of freedom. I will be able to stop my freedom from being violated while understanding the importance of some limitations. This will be applied when I am allowed to vote in the future. 

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