Friday, May 29, 2020

Blog #45 - Eric Konviser - Period 3 - 05/29/2020

Eric Konviser 5/29/20
Period 3/ Sophomores 2020 Blog #2

Aim: How is the theme, "the importance of having knowledge about the past in order to understand the future" exemplified/elucidated through Winston’s time in the Prole District?
1984 : Chapter 6-8 George Orwell. - ppt download
Include the main/key ideas/details for each!
  1. What are some of the “lies/stories” parents tell their children? Some lies or stories that parents tell their children are that Santa, the tooth fairy and the easter bunny are real. Peter said that carrots help improve eyesight. 
  2. Why do you believe they tell these stories, rather than the truth? Parents tell these stories to develop certain good habits and in some ways for health. Maya said that some stories that parents tell may be to ignite kids' imaginations and their creativity. As well as to make the kids happy and excited such as Santa.
  3. What might be a history “lie/story” a school has taught/told you? One history lie is that Columbus and the Indians were friendly. Another example is in elementary school we were taught that there were only 3 forms of matter most likely because young students would be very confused with the idea of plasma. These were told for the students benefit and easy understanding.

The First Thanksgiving
How was history manipulated in this story?
History was manipulated in this story to depict a happier relationship where everyone got along and there was no blood and death. They explain it in such a way to show that history can be very easily manipulated and be made to appeal to a certain group of individuals. Another reason this story was manipulated could be to show kids that people can form happy relationships with one another and rebellion or battle is not needed between different types of people. 
Group Discussion
“In the end the Party would announce that two and two made five, and you would have to believe it.”
The 14 most important '1984' quotes by George Orwell in the age of ...
  • Analyze Winston’s statement above.  How do you explain his example? What are your thoughts on the matter? Winston’s statement recognizes that the citizens in society are very vulnerable, which is why they are so easily brainwashed. In this example he sees that the people of Oceania are easily manipulated to believe that 2 plus 2 is equal to 5. This shows that the party is able to control what people think and nobody has an independent opinion from the government.
  • What do you think the author’s intention or purpose is for the reader to have as a takeaway about the world you/we live in? George Orwell’s writing style and purpose for the reader is to question the world around us and we cannot always believe what people tell us. He proves how easy it is for people to be manipulated and how a small minority can have tremendous influence. We aren’t supposed to buy everything that is told to us but we should see things for ourselves and question why things are this way. 

Group Work
  • Winston is clearly on a quest for the truth from the past. He states, “If there’s hope, it lies in the proles” (Winston, pg. 69). 
  • If he is/isn’t correct explain how things would unfold for success or failure to occur.  Consider the government’s role in all of this as well.
  • Are there specific actions or events that need to occur to guarantee success/failure? If so, what?
Winston believes that hope remains in the people who are old and wise enough to avoid being brainwashed by the government. A requirement of success would be that a group of these individuals need to stand up and overcome the government’s corrupt system. Moreover, if this is not done, when the new generation comes and the thinkers die; there will be no hope in ensuring proper rebellion against the government. In the book, Winston mentions that people have to realize that there is an issue, but the people seem content with what they have. The only way is a rebellion and the decision remains for the people to realize the government is not working with an idea to replace it because without an idea there would be no point.

Whole Class Discussion
  • What do you make of Winston (unconsciously) finding himself back at the very junk shop where he bought the diary? This shows that Winston wants to find out about the past and evidence to prove that the past government was better. He sees the junk as a representation of the past and for him to go there is rebellious to some extent. 
  • Why does he appear to be so drawn to the paperweight? The paperweight represents a safe place. He feels that everyone is watching him and he longs for a real relationship protected by “the glass.” Meaning he is looking for that safe haven or protection that he is very far from.
  • What are your opinions of the room, which has no telescreen? I think it was very interesting and how the telescreen is necessary for watching everyone. It is quite strange that the thought police has not done anything because every room is entitled to have a telescreen. 
  • Why do you suppose he decides he will continue to return to the shop, despite the risks?  Foreshadowing? His decision to continue to return to the shop shows early signs of rebellious action. The room is a place where Big Brother cannot get to him and where he feels safe to continue his diary where nobody can watch him. This can foreshadow that there is a lot more to this room than the eye can see. 
1984 Winston Antique Shop - cigaretsale-mvp

Reflection: Today in class I learned the idea that we should stand up for what we believe in and question the world around us. By this I mean that we should not trust everything we hear or believe what people say because as individuals we are easily susceptible to be manipulated. We are entitled to an independent opinion and have the right to voice our opinions when we feel something is wrong. In 1984, George Orwell portrays Winston to recognize the corruption in the government and to question the tyranny and rule of Brotherhood. However, at first Winston believes that what he is doing is very wrong and against the social order. The reason we are learning this today, is to step up when we feel that something is wrong or oppressive against the people even if you are the only one who sees it. Once the idea of change is brought to the spotlight, other people will start to realize similar ideas that you first saw. I can use what I learned to my everyday life and help people see the wrongs in certain things. We as citizens were given this right to voice our opinions if there is some type of warped system or problems arising, whereas Winston is being watched and in danger if he is caught showing rebellious actions. A quote to underline is, “our only hope is the Proles,” which is important because it illustrates the idea that only the ones greatly affected may see certain issues in rule that those who control cannot and possibly don’t even care. And the idea is that these are the people that in certain times need to step up and cause change.

 To be honest working from home is not as bad as it first seemed. Time management has been easier for the most part because now classes start as early as 9 and some days I don’t even have to wake up early. This is very helpful and gives me time to focus on other things in my life other than school such as working out and other hobbies. The workload is just enough to keep me busy, meanwhile I still have time to relax and work in other ways. As of 5/29/20 there are about 200 thousand confirmed cases in New York City and 1.7 million people in the United States who are being treated for coronavirus. New York is staying strong and complying with the Governor’s commands to keep the city safe. In fact, the death count per day is around 50-60, whereas at the peak it would hit almost 800 deaths a day. At the moment, I am trying to make the best of what I have and focusing on achieving my goals whether it is in school or for swimming. Pools are closed but I have practice almost everyday and hope for the city to open up soon!

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