Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Blog #40 - David Chen - Period 3 - 05/19/2020

David Chen PD3
Blog #40

Aim: How and why does Winston manage to resist the manipulative power of language and mob mentality?

Do Now: Room 102
“Comrades” you have been selected for re-education by the Party.
To begin, I want you to observe 3 citizens and write everything they do. Do not let them know you’re watching them! You have 5 minutes.
During this activity, we were looking at each other through webcams and literally describing what they are doing at the moment. Everyone was looking into their cameras and so they had no movements. This continued for 5 minutes and it eventually became awkward.

Big Brother & 1984
We discussed that “Big Brother” is a ruler that manipulates and has control over the citizens. It’s so extreme that people can just see other’s thoughts just by glancing at them. Big Brother uses kids (Junior Spies) to spy on other adults to see if they have committed any thought crimes. This is unimaginable due to the fact that parents are afraid of their own children. What I don’t get is how Big Brother is able to convince a mass scale of these Junior Spies to basically work for him.

We all know that COVID-19 has affected many of the working forces today. NY is apparently starting to open too soon according to doctors and medical aids. We can see a sudden rise in mortality right after the fact that people are ignoring regulations and such. This will make the virus last longer and will likely cause more deaths or illness. Also, just today, Donald Trump announced that he is taking hydroxychloroquine. It’s hard to believe what he says, but he has been apparently taking it for a few weeks now and is fine. He supported his actions by saying that the drug has been used for 40 years. Will this be a treatment used for COVID-19 anytime soon?

Big Brother and Junior spies can be compared to all the technology we have. Almost everyone today uses electronics. We never know whether the government, or even random people are spying on us through our devices. There are speculations and conspiracies that we are always being wiretapped. This may be scary because people are not getting their sense of privacy.

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