Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Blog #33 - Kendi Wang - Period 7 - 5/13/2020

Kendi Wang PD 7
Sophomores 2020
Blogger #33

Aim: How does language construct and impact thought?

Do Now: We started off the lesson by creating Shakespearean insults from a provided list of words and translating them into modern English, based on our own knowledge. Our class believed that coming up with the insults were not hard, but instead translating them was the more difficult part. For one thing, many of the words given were not used as often in modern day, so by not knowing the definition, it limits our ability to interpret the phrases.

We then discussed our readings of Chapter 1 of 1984. We established that the story of 1984 takes place in a totalitarian society of London in which freedom is highly restricted, namely in a town called Oceania. We also discussed the idea of newspeak, which refers to the language used in Oceania, where the government limits and simplifies the language to limit free speech and free thought. We tied this back to our Do Now and elaborated on how newspeak is similar to when we translated our Shakespearean insults. When we translated the words into our own knowledge of English, we lost some of the more complex meanings of the words, just like how the newspeak limits and strips the language by turning it into something more simple.

We then watched a Ted talk which discusses how language shapes the way we think. The speaker, Lera Boroditsky, explains how language transmits thoughts, ideas, and knowledge across minds and how it affects the way people think. From the video, we also learned that cultural influences affect the way people think and speak with each other.

After the Ted talk, our class moved on to a game called Taboo-twisted in which we were given one main word, IPad, and five other words which we couldn’t use. From this we had to come up with 3-5 words describing the main word. Our class came up with the words apps, touchscreen, home screen, expensive, and modern. Then we completed part 2 of the game where we were given a choice of 5 main words (belief, integrity, freedom, equality, and pride), and we had to choose one to come up with 5 words to describe it. I chose the word freedom, and I came up with the words rights, liberty, independence, constitution, and emancipation. 

Ending our lesson, our class discussed the takeaways of today’s lesson. We thought the lesson explained the importance of language and how it’s more than a string of words. Language greatly affects the way people think and act. It’s difficult to convey thoughts through limited words, just as how newspeak is intended to limit people from the ability to express their thoughts.


What did I learn?
From today’s lesson I learned that people’s thoughts can be influenced by language. In fact, language plays a large part in how we think. Our knowledge of a certain language and our culture affects what we think and how we express them. By discussing the impact of language on constructing thought, I gained a deeper understanding of the society present in 1984 and how the idea of newspeak is used to oppress the people living in Oceania. 

Why did I learn it?
The reason we learned this lesson is to understand the importance of language and connect it back to the novel 1984. The novel is set in a totalitarian society where the government keeps close surveillance of everyone’s activities, limiting free speech and free thought. By simplifying language through newspeak, the government limits people’s ability to express themselves and think more complex thoughts. This prevents the rise of revolts and uprisings, all of which could threaten the government’s hold on its people. Language is tied closely to thoughts, so by controlling speech, the government can control minds. Today’s lesson taught us how language is more than just speech. It’s a way that we communicate and influence each other. 

How will I use what I learned?
I can apply what I learned to everyday life. Language is a powerful way to express ourselves and I should use it effectively when I want to convince an audience. I shouldn’t be afraid to voice my opinions because it’s important to get your ideas across. I should also be more aware of what I say, especially knowing how it can affect others. Language is being used constantly in everyday life and using what I have learned in this lesson, I will be more aware of my use of language. 

What is it like working from home?
In my opinion working from home can be a little challenging, but isn’t  unmanageable. What makes the experience home different from going to school is not meeting with my teachers in person and that I often get distracted with the things surrounding me. It was also difficult for me to understand certain topics because it wasn’t as easy to ask questions as if you’re in school. However, something positive is that I wouldn’t have to wake early in the morning since I live far from the school and that commute usually takes me around an hour and a half. I also have a lot more time at home to complete my work, leaving the rest of the day to myself. The workload was easily manageable but working from home takes a lot of responsibility. I find it necessary to manage time efficiently to keep track of assignments and not fall behind in lessons.

What are the updates around the world regarding the virus?
As the number of coronavirus cases topped a million in the US, the numbers had started to decrease. Compared to what used to 7,000 to 9,000 cases per day during New York’s high point of coronavirus infection, the numbers have declined to around 1,000 to 2,000 cases per day. As hospitalization rates decreased significantly, many states had lessened their restrictions on social distancing and are planning to reopen. In my neighborhood, many shops are starting to reopen, and many people are planning to go back to work. As a country we have passed the high point of infections and are taking steps to ensure that the numbers stay low. However, many experts predict that there could be a second wave of the virus and it can be more devastating than the first if precautions aren’t taken. There are also predictions that the coronavirus will mutate into forms that are deadlier and more threatening, making it difficult to come up with a vaccine. 

Your own personal feelings and thoughts about what is happening right now.
What’s happening right now is pretty scary. With millions of cases globally, I’m pretty concerned for the health and safety of my friends and family.  Although my family takes precautions at home, I’m still worried that one of them might get the virus, especially since my grandparents like to take daily strolls around the neighborhood. I also missed seeing my friends and teachers in person with this pandemic still going on. I also haven’t gone out for the past month and I missed going outside, especially on days with pleasant weather. However, my mom thinks it is too dangerous, and she is a lot more worried about the virus than I am. I hope that things can go back to normal and that this pandemic will end soon. 

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