Friday, May 22, 2020

Blog #43 - Jay Jiang - Period 1 - 5/22/2020

May 22, 2020
Jay Jiang
Period 1 Reading

Aim: How does Homer further develop Odysseus’ characterization as a cunning hero in his exchange with both the suitors and his wife, Penelope?

Do Now: Imagine a family member or close friend of yours has disappeared for twenty years.  

  1. Do you think you’d be able to maintain your hope and spirits that they would someday return?   
  2. Would you assume they were possibly gone forever?  
  3. How would you continue to conduct  your life in their absence?

For this do now, I said that I wouldn’t be able to maintain my hope and spirits that they would someday return because they have been gone for so long that they are almost pushed out of my memory and I have nothing left to remember about them. I would assume that they would be gone forever and I would just live my life normally but still try to remember them.

For today’s reading it was about “The Suitors” and “Penelope”, and it talks about how Odysseus returned back home after a long time and is disguised as a beggar. “Penelope” is talking about Penelope interrogating Odysseus and the “beggar” is giving her hope about the fact that Odysseus will return home soon. I really enjoyed this time’s reading because there is some action as I can infer that Odysseus will be confronting the suitors soon. This reading provided me some form of entertainment over this quarantine. Working at home is boring and very distracting since I have my phone right next to me. I tend to go on my phone and play games and talk to friends instead of doing my work. This makes me procrastinate even more and it takes even longer to finish my homework. I am worried about the virus and looking at the conditions, it may be a struggle to even return to school during September. I am concerned since a lot of people may starve to death instead of dying to the virus and at this rate, people will go out and another wave of infections may begin.

Today I learned about Odysseus returning home to Penelope and he walked in on suitors. I learned about how loyal and faithful Penelope was to Odysseus and how she never remarried despite Odysseus being gone for so long. I learned it so that I can learn what happened next in “The Odyssey” and also I learned it as an important life lesson to always be loyal and to never give up and have hope. Penelope is hopeful when the beggar told her that Odysseus was returning home which cheered her up and that is another important lesson in life. I can use this because if there is anything that is bothering me in life, I know to be hopeful just like Penelope despite waiting a long time for Odysseus. I also learned to be faithful and loyal toward others just like Penelope was for Odysseus and vice versa.

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