Saturday, May 23, 2020

Blog #30- Joanne Wang- Period 2- 5/5

On May 5th, it was presentation day for the fables. I saw everyone’s fables, which were all very interesting and unique. My favorite fable was Jaiden’s. Her fable’s visuals was her story on index cards. There were words and lines of her stories on the index cards. She explained and told her story while switching through index cards. I also like Valerie’s story because I really like her story’s moral. The moral of her story was to not judge someone by their looks. It was a very fun day and listening to other people’s fables was more interesting than regular lessons. I really loved everyone’s fable. This lesson helped me learn many things such as morals of different stories and how to present. It has been a long time since I presented and this lesson helped me refresh what it’s like. Working from home is pretty relaxing some of the time but when teachers assign too much work it becomes stressful. 
The aim of that day was how can the perception that Animal Farm is a Fable be demonstrated in our original fable visual representation & oral presentation project. 

This was the visual for my fable. I made a book because I don't really draw well so I decided to add other things to make up for it.

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