Friday, May 8, 2020

Blog #29 - Ryan Sliger - Period 7 - 5/7/2020

BLOG #29, Ryan Sliger, PD. 7, May 7th 

Ryan Sliger
Blog #29
Period 7
May 7, 2020
Sophomores 2020

Aim: How can the perception that Animal Farm is a Fable be demonstrated in our original fable visual representation & oral presentation project?

What did I learn-
I learned a lot about Aesop’s fables, and how to write fables about these morals.  Our class lesson was about reciting our own fables about Aesop’s morals. I also learned how to find out the morals when they were not directly given to you in the passage.  Aesop's morals were evident in every story, but the same moral can be interpreted in many different ways. For example, “Fine feathers do not make fine birds” could be interpreted figuratively as, a pretty outside doesn't make a pretty inside or literally as, pretty feathers don't make a pretty bird.

Why did I learn it-
I learned a lot about Aesop’s morals and how to find them because of listening to all of my classmates' fables. When listening to their fables it became easier to find Aesop’s morals every time. By the last half of the presentations you could find them almost every time.  This was very helpful because If we ever do a project like this again, It will be a lot easier, because the morals will be easier to find.
How will I use what I learned- 
When I take higher level English, I will be able to analyze fables much more easily. This project taught me how to write fables and understand them more than I did before.
What is it like working from home-
It is a lot of different working from home because we don't get to see our friends, and have to sit on our devices all day. The workload is still similar in regular school compared to the workload in regular school. i feel like I still learn just as much in virtual school as I did in regular school.
What are you learning about your world/community based on the reactions-
I learned how unable people are to follow rules. For example, the government told us to quarantine ourselves, but many people on social media still post themselves with other people breaking social distancing guidelines. I feel like those are the people who are mostly responsible for the spread of this virus.

Your own personal feelings and thoughts about what is happening right now-
I am not super bothered by the whole quarantine thing, I just hope that everyone stays safe and that everything will open this summer.

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