Monday, May 18, 2020

Blog #39- Angelina D’Arcy - period 1 - 5/18/2019

Angelina D’Arcy
Period 1 Blog #6
Aim: How does the concept of “nostos” enhance our understanding of Homer’s Odyssey and the cultural significance of Odysseus’ homecoming?
The concept of nostos in greek culture explains why Odysseus coming home was such a crucial aspect of the story. It being a common theme in Greek literature helps us understand its presence in the Odyssey. It was seen as an honorable feat for those who were able to make it home, and on Odysseus’ way home he puts getting home above all, even when he finds himself being persuaded. 

Would you be willing to give up the comforts of your home (friends, family, etc…) for fame and glory? If you could only choose one option, which would you choose and why?
I wouldn’t give up my home and loved ones for fame and glory, because I could achieve that on my own without losing the people I care about. However, it depends on the circumstances I’m in. If I didn’t have any particularly meaningful friends, and a strained family dynamic, I’d take up the offer instantly. Becoming famous is a goal in manys lives, whether it's their only goal or just lying in the back of their head, keeping them awake at night. Becoming famous gives the opportunity to make new, powerful friends, and live the “ideal life.” However, where I am now, I appreciate my family and friends. 
What did I learn?
Through this lesson, I learned about Odysseus’ homecoming and the idea of nostos and kleos. It shows Odysseus’ value of nostos, when he initially seemed to care more about fame and glory. His overwhelming hubris, confidence, and recklessness was evident in each encounter. He unnecessarily risked him and his men's lives, due to his pride and desire for glory. Over time, we see him become a better leader and more considerate and careful. He seems to put a stronger emphasis on nostos, shown through his longing to return home to Ithaca and his wife. During his return home, it’s almost as if he is turning over a new leaf, or beginning. He returns to light and life as the “bright star” sets, which is like all of his efforts coming together for this moment of brightness, and the darkness and danger leaving. Also, this lesson helped me understand why him returning home was so important. Nostos is an important aspect of Greek culture, and featured in the Odyssey through Odysseus’ journey. Furthermore, it shows him exploring kleos as well, and how the importance of kleos and nostos each change for him. Also, it shows that while kleos and nostos are two different concepts, one can achieve both in a single journey.

Why did I learn this?
I believe we can apply the idea of kleos and nostos to our daily life. Many people will give up not only things, but people important to them, to gain fame. We even see many famous internet personalities doing disgusting and offensive things and getting publicity from it, because bad attention is still attention. While it isn’t the same as glory won at war, it shows that people will do things for popularity at the expense of their reputation, or “lives”, whether it’s figurative or literal. Homecoming/nostos can be related to soldiers coming home from battle, or even small things such as returning from a bad experience at summer camp or getting lost in a big store as a kid, having to find your way back to your parents safely. While these ideas are portrayed in much more significant ways in Greek literature, they can be applied to the little things in our lives. More specifically, nostos and kleos help us understand the motivation of actions in the Odyssey, and why Odysseus does the things that he does, and what he achieves through them.
How will I use this in the future?
In the future, I can use the ideas of nostos and kleos to see what my motivation for something is, and what I can gain from the action. Also, it helps me put things into perspective, and see that while doing some things may give me “fame”, but it isn’t always good fame and if I make an impact I want it to be in a positive way. Moreover, nostos puts me in a better mindset that coming back unscathed and powerful from a difficult journey, no matter how small it may be, is impressive and is a reason to feel proud. Even in today’s circumstances, getting through this pandemic knowing I did everything I could to prevent the spread of coronavirus and still attempted to have a good time despite the bad situation, is like overcoming a journey, and a feat in itself. 
What is it like working from home?
I have been learning much less in certain classes, but also putting in more work for other classes. In AP World History, Integrated Mathematics and this class for example, I find myself relying less on other students' help and I have put much more effort into my work. I actually am understanding concepts more than ever before. However, in some classes I’m getting a lot more work than I had prior. I think this is unfair, because even though we are home most of the time, it doesn’t mean we aren’t doing anything with our time, and many of the tasks are unreasonable as in certain classes we aren’t being taught, just given work. In certain aspects I am much less stressed than before. I used to wake up every morning feeling nauseous and never knowing why. Since the quarantine, my stomach hasn’t hurt at all and I realized that when I felt sick it was because I was so stressed about going to school. I also don’t have to worry about the commute to school and getting ready so early, it’s like a weight lifted off my shoulders.

What are the updates around the world/community regarding the virus?
I have noticed that since the weather has gotten better, people are acting like the virus magically disappeared. This is making things worse for everybody as people aren’t social distancing or wearing masks, and treating this pandemic like it’s a joke. If there was any initial hope for decreasing the number of cases, this carelessness is not helping.
Your own personal feelings and thoughts about what is happening right now
Honestly, it’s surreal. I never expected something like this to happen in my lifetime. I think one day kids will ask us what the quarantine was like, and we will all think back to our limited freedom. I do think the virus could’ve been contained if we took action earlier, especially New York. States with less cases than NY were already closed while students were still heading to school, coming into contact with many people on the way to school and at school. Even now, people are being careless and not taking safety precautions. It makes me think back to when people would jokingly write “have a summer” on yearbooks, because now we don’t know if we will even have that, let alone a great one. 

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