Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Blog #35 - Amanda Chen- Period 1 - 5/12/2020

Blog #35
Amanda Chen
Period 1

Blog #35 - Amanda Chen- Period 1 - 5/12/2020

Aim: How can we use the theory of neuroplasticity to analyze Odysseus as a dynamic character?

My thoughts on the reading was that it was very interesting that the reading started out describing
The Iliad and how it is considered a piece of literature that “illustrates the generally distinct
characteristics of wisdom versus problem solving with risk and courage.”   Later on throughout the
reading it also describes how Odysseus is considered a “agile learner.” I thought about this because of
how throughout The Odyssey  how Odysseus developed and changed after the different situations which
leads to most of his men getting killed in some way.  Subsequently the reading then goes into how having
a growth mindset could help someone improve themselves and their skills. Toward the end of the reading
it starts to list things that can help develop a growth mindset that can “increase our learning agility”
throughout our daily lives.  

Under the quarantine that was implemented working from home has its highs and lows. Most of the
highs are where I get to form my own schedule that allows me to have time to myself and still have
the balance of school work. Otherwise the time that is spent during the quarantine is very enjoyable
being able to catch up with old friends and meeting new people as well. Having the ability to make
my own schedule has helped me get more sleep and to see how long I can stay in the house without
going outside. The lows of being quarantined is running out of things to do, but usually there would
be too much things to do before the end of the quarantine. Another low would be that I started to lose
interest in many things that used to be enjoyable. Developing burnout through this quarantine is the
worst part of this whole ordeal. 

For my own personal feeling about this quarantine is that I enjoy watching most politicians and the
government struggle on how to make sure the virus could be contained.  I thought that this was a
good change of pace where most people would go outside and there would be cars and noise pollution,
with the quarantine the days are more quiet and enjoyable. With the less vehicles being used the more
the environment has been changing except with the occasional weather changes and most of the days
are sunny with enjoyable temperatures. Another thought about this situation is that when everything
ends, I hope that people will change their mindset on how to protect themselves and their loved ones
from this situation again. 

For this lesson, I learned that having a growth mindset allows people to learn and develop different
skills and to gain more knowledge. One example of this that we learned during the group work is finding
different mistakes that he had made prior then later on explaining how he changed later on through the
epic. This was important to learn because of how people can change their mindset and can soon develop
new skills or change their attitude with the changed mindset. With the changed mindset being called a
“growth mindset” this mindset can be said to help people “grow” and develop. Having this information
can help me grow and develop as well. This can be said where if I developed a growth mindset I can
help change and learn new skills that can help me in the future. One example of having a growth
mindset and how it can help is developing a new language skill, learning a new sport and many more. 

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