Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Blog #39- Xiang Chen- Period 2- 5/18/20

Aim: How and why does Winston manage to resist the manipulative power of language and mob mentality?

Do Now: Room 102
“Comrades” you have been selected for re-educated ion by the party.
To begin, I want you to observe 3 citizens and write everything they do. Do not let them know you’re watching them! You have 5 minutes. 

Valerie is looking at her screen.. Valerie is looking with a somewhat disgusted face. Valerie is doing a duck face. Valerie is thinking. She doesn’t have her hair tied up.
Carol was looking at her sweater. Carol has her headphones on. Carol is smiling. Carol is putting her hand on her mouth. Holly turned her camera up again and she is looking down maybe writing something. 
Holly is touching her hair. Holly closed off her camera.

Big brother and 1984
  • Biased and unfair
  • Influences and manipulates people’s responses with the rewards/punishments system
  • The use of fabrication; manipulates people into saying what he wants to hear (places words into someone else’s mouth through false assumptions.
  • Use of fear to force people to think a certain way
  • Manipulation of people to flatter/praise Big Brother
  • Thoughtcrimes (crime think)
  • INGSOC: newspeak word for “english socialism” 
  • The use of censorship by limiting language limits the possibilities of thoughtcrimes. IF you are lacking the words for what you are thinking, then in the government’s POV, you can’t think to betray then by thinking something they don’t want you to think or know
  • “War is peace; freedom if slavery; ignorance is strength”

Team Activity

Imagine you’re the mayor for NYC. Create 3 slogans/mottos for NYC, which you believe exemplify doublethink. (contradictory/opposing statements)

Rich is poor
Private is public
Fast is slow

She then asked the class to share out their responses and Julia and Max gave out some great responses such as Big Apple is small.

Class discussion:
What are the takeaways from today’s lesson?
The takeaways from today’s lesson is that people are snitching on others starting from an early age as shown from the kids in 1984. Mrs. Peterson made an activity for us to observe and snitch on others just like in the book 1984. Everyone in 1984 is brainwashed at an early age and the people that often snitch on others are being rewarded, which has a certain amount of bias to it. 

What are your thoughts regarding the reading?
My thoughts are it is a pretty interesting book that is very similar to animal farm and russian communism or even north korea in a lot of ways. They take the idea that ignorance is bliss and create a society on top of that foundation. Everyone is being manipulated and controlled according to the idea s of the rulers, which in 1984 are the ministers.

What is it like working from home?
It has been great working at home because I could make myself comfortable at home. There is however a lot of distractions which sometimes prevents me from focusing on the lesson but I have learned to deal with it and focus on what I need to do at the moment. 

Your personal feelings and thoughts about what is happening right now.

My personal feelings right now is that it isn’t as hectic as everyone makes it out to be. Sure everyone is inside during quarantine and I believe there are a lot of cases both outside and in hospitals. I think the Coronavirus isn’t that dangerous not because of the statistics given out by the government but based upon my own experiences since I haven ever come upon contact with others that has the coronavirus outside.

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