Friday, May 15, 2020

Blog # 38- Valerie Chen- Period 2- 3/15/2020

Aim: How and why does Winston manage to resist
the manipulative power of language and mob

Do Now: ROOM 102
“Comrades” you have been selected for
re-education by the Party.

To begin, I want you to observe 3 citizens and
write everything they do. Do not let them
know you’re watching them! You have 5

Michelle Lu
-looking at the camera 
-putting her hair behind her ear
-most of the time just stares at her screen sometimes look back at the camera

-looking at her computer screen
-switches back between the camera and the computer she is typing on
-doesn’t have too much movement

Jaiden Chan
-looking at her computer screen(typing or looking at each other)
-putting her head on her hand
-putting her hair back

Then Mrs.Peterson asked us to share our answers, one of our classmates said how people were not paying attention, Mrs.Peterson awarded him with 30 points. Then another classmate explained how it was because they were typing for class, instead of getting rewarded Mrs.Peterson said she was lying.

-Biased and Unfair
-Influences and manipulates people’s responses with
the rewards/punishments system.
-The use of Fabrication; manipulates people into
saying what he wants to hear (places words into
someone else’s mouth through false assumptions.
-Use of FEAR to force people to think a certain way.
-Manipulation of people to flatter/praise Big Brother

Chapter two: Foreshadowing by Winston that after they speak of this great victory, when you hear good news something bad has to happen immediately after. Don’t know if victory really happened because they don’t want us to know. So we go by the premise of whatever it is that they are telling us.

-Thoughtcrimes (Crime Think)

-INGSOC: Newspeak word for “English Socialism”

-The use of censorship by limiting language limits the
possibilities of thoughtcrimes. If you are lacking the
words for what you are thinking, then in the
government’s POV, you can’t think to betray them by
thinking something they don’t want you to think or



Imagine you’re the Mayor for NYC. Create “3”
slogans/mottos for NYC, which you believe
exemplify doublethink
(contradictory/opposing statements).
-A rich city with four vehicle
-Cleanest water with the dirtiest street
-Poverty is wealth
-Stay at home and go to work
-Questions are ignorance
-Diversity is the same
-City that never sleep is never tired
-The Big Apple is a vegetable


What are the takeaways from today’s

In the beginning of class Mrs.Peterson tried to make us snitch on each other for points and then she would say certain people are lying if it wasn’t something that she wanted to hear. Rewards those who did the wrong thing by someone else. Winston is fearful of the children because they snitch on their parents. Winston has a hate to some extent because they get brainwashed at this very early age. Then wind up growing up to be the very basis of their own parent’s existence. They wind up telling on their parents which ultimately leads to them getting into trouble. Winston is disgusted by the fact that it works, during the week of hate he tries not to scream but at the end he does a little. In chapter three O’Brien might be the same as Winston because when he was screaming at the screen he glanced at Winston. Gives Winston hope that he is the same as him and he will help him. The government is telling us that what is happening today is so much better than it ever was back in the old dates. But you don’t know what it is like in the old dates you never experienced it. So you take what they say and believe that it, which is similar to what happens to the youth in the book

Double thinking-knowing the truth and knowing the fabricated truth that they’re telling you and believing in both of them and being at peace with it.

      • What are the updates around the world/community regarding the virus?
Since the weather is getting nice everyone’s going to the beaches and parks disregarding the stay home orders. This resulted in beaches and parks to close down again. Many grocery stores started to open again however their hours are very restricted. The New Jersey Costco started to restrict the amount of meat and water each family can purchase. This really affected my family because we have done all of our grocery shopping there since the COVID-19 pandemic. 

      • Write about what you learned in your online English lessons.
Today during my online English lesson I learned how in the book “1984” the government would reward those who did the wrong thing by someone else. For the warm up Mrs.Pertrxom told us to watch three people and see what they are doing for five minutes. She tried to make us snitch on each other for points and if it wasn’t something that she wanted to hear she would say that they were lying. Which is similar to the youth in the book, they would snitch on their parents and think of it as a game. At the end of the lesson I learned the definition of double thinking, to know the truth and fabricated truth, believe in both and be at peace with them. Don’t always believe in whatever the government says because they can hide certain information from you but don’t create conflict just keep it to yourself.

      • Your own personal feelings and thoughts about what is happening right now.
I feel pretty nervous about the situation right now because there’s no vaccines and we’re running out of meat supply. My summer SAT prep class got moved to online,  the SYEP program got canceled, and sport practices are all postponed.  Summer seems pointless right now because there’s literally nothing we can do, no beach,no park, and no vacation. The numbers for coronavirus cases are still rising but the good thing is we’re not short on ventilators . 
After today’s lesson I learn how in the book the government uses manipulation to make people think and act in a specific way. Their t.v was on all the time giving them no time to think because it's always displaying propaganda and slogans trying to manipulate people. To the point where if someone did something not even that bad just like writing their own opinion in a dairy, the person would  feel guilty. This just shows how powerful and aggressive the government is in the book. I learned about this concept to better understand the society that Winston lives in. Actions like children snitching on parents can also be explained because they have all been brainwashed. So for them it's the normal and proper thing to do. Compared to society today, where  instead of thinking snitching is the right thing to do, we say that it's inappropriate to even snitch on our friends. I can use what I learned today’s lesson to draw a connection with how society is today and back then. Although the government isn't manipulating or brainwashing us, they are still trying to keep certain information away from our site. One example is what happened in China during the COVID-19, their government was not giving the world any information about the coronavirus. They made it seem like it was no big deal when it was so dangerous and contagious. Through this lesson I learn that you shouldn’t always believe in what people say because it can just be a fabricated truth.

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