Thursday, May 28, 2020

Blog #46 - Anisa Luubonja - Period 1 - 5/28/2020

Anisa Lubonja
Period 1
Freshman Lit 2020
Blogger #46

Aim: How does Odysseus establish his authority as an epic hero in the episode of   
"The Challenge" and "Odysseus‘ Revenge?”

In  Ancient Greeks, revenge was viewed as a form of social justice.  They believed that if a horrid wrongdoing was done upon them, they had the right to return the favor; in whatever means they found just. The Greek values greatly resembled the Hammurabi Code of:  “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth” mentality, meaning that whatever crime the perpetrator committed, the punishment brought upon him should be equal or fitting of the crime.

1. How does this compare to the way our society views revenge today?  
2. How does it compare to the way that you view revenge?

The class answered this do now in a discussion, where the student speaking would choose another to continue the conversation. We answered it by speaking about how society typically views revenge as an unethical way to repay someone’s incorrect actions in today’s world. In Ancient Greek society, if someone does something to you, you could perform the same action back to them without great fear of repercussion This compares to the way that we, personally, view revenge because we view revenge as returning the favor. Revenge is considered a method of vengeance if someone acts poorly. This view of revenge is similar to how the ancient Greeks viewed it. However, this is not considered morally correct in our society and is typically viewed negatively. 


The class then proceeded to read “The Challenge” and “Odysseus’ Revenge” from “The Odyessy.” (Linked below for reference.)

Some important terms to know for this reading are:
implacable (adj): unrelenting, stubborn; impossible to calm or appease.
quiver  (n): a portable case for holding arrows
entrails  (n –pl): internal organs, the intestines; within

We completed these two readings by spirit reading, which means students read however much they want from the text one after the other without raising hands or being called on. After the completion of this text, we had a whole-class discussion based on the following prompt.

“But the man skilled in all ways of contending, satisfied by the great bow’s look and heft, like a musician, like a harper, when he draws with quiet hand upon his instrument he draws between his thumb and forefinger a sweet new string upon a peg; so effortlessly Odysseus in one motion strung the bow. Then slid his right hand down the cord and plucked it, so the taut gut vibrating hummed and sang a swallows note” (Homer 1370-1379).

1. What epic simile is created in the lines above, from “The Challenge”? Explain the comparison.
The class answered this question by expounding about how the epic simile is comparing Odysseus drawing his bow to a majestic musician playing his instrument. This suggests that he is very skillful in this craft as a musician is skillful in playing their instrument. 

2. Which of Odysseus’ qualities are being highlighted here?
a. How is Homer presenting Odysseus to the audience?
The class discussed that Odysseus’ qualities of being skillful and glorious are presented in this excerpt because he is being compared to a musician. Odysseus is depicted as handling his bow similarly to how a musician handles his instrument. This shapes Odysseus as an epic hero and brings honor to his name because of how proficient he is in completing this valiant trade.

We then watched a few videos to further our understanding of the text. (Linked below for reference.)

Moreover, we analyzed two images that depict this portion of “The Odyessy.”

Analyze both paintings depicting Odysseus killing the suitors.  Do you believe the artists accurately depicted Odysseus’ attack on the suitors? Would you evaluate this to be a “fair” fight-- why or why not?
The class analyzed both the images and the text to conclude that the paintings are mostly accurate based on the story. Furthermore, we decided that this is considered a “fair” fight because Odysseus was stronger than all of the suitors, but he was also only one person against many.


Further Information Relating to the Lesson:

Experience Working From Home:
Working from home is a much different experience from working in a classroom setting. It is more difficult to stay focused because home is thought of as a place for leisure. A classroom, on the other hand, is monitored and the focus is continuously on studying/completing assignments. Additionally, home contains many distractions, whereas school (or a workplace) is geared towards being a quiet place where tasks are to be completed. We also have more time to complete assignments at home, but the assignments are structured differently to accommodate for this new schedule. In remote English class, the tasks are similar to those that we had before the pandemic. However, class time is structured differently to maximize what we can complete and how we can communicate across the Zoom video-calling platform. Nevertheless, we are able to truly learn a great amount and further our education in our own separate homes.  

Updates Around the World/Community Regarding the Virus:
As of today, May 28th, 2020, the death toll from the coronavirus has surpassed 100,000 in the United States, according to “The Washington Post.”  More than 40 million Americans have filed jobless claims in the last ten weeks. Therefore, it is not surprising that the economy is suffering. In an attempt to resolve this issue, New York City, one of the locations with the most coronavirus cases in the country, will begin reopening in June. However, the governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, says that businesses can deny entry to people that are not wearing masks. Moreover, the Boston Marathon was canceled for the first time in one-hundred and twenty-four years according to “USA Today.” The situation is clearly very dire and there is no way of telling when society will begin to perform under normal conditions again. Thus, the virus seems to be continuing severely, but to a lesser degree than it once was.

Personal Feelings and Thoughts About What is Happening Right Now:
In our current society, the coronavirus has taken over the news and is progressing horribly. People who are asymptomatic can still be carriers of the lethal virus. It is most dangerous, however, for older people and people with underlying health issues. In my opinion, this virus is very harmful and it is important for people to stay at home as much as possible to prevent contracting it. If going outside is needed, such as to get groceries, a mask should be worn and precautions should be taken. I believe that to clear this virus as soon as possible, people have to be careful and try to self-quarantine. Since several businesses are reopening to save the struggling economy, it is important that people continue to maintain distance from one another. At some point, however, I feel that businesses reopen because many are suffering due to unemployment. If this continues, many are left without essential resources. Hence, my personal feelings are that we must continue to be careful of this virus even if businesses reopen to rebuild our economic society.

For Further Information on the Coronavirus:


Today in class, I learned about Odysseus in “The Challenge” and “Odysseus’ Revenge” from “The Odyessy.” I learned about the Ancient Greek custom of revenge and how it was justly used in their society. In this portion of the story, Penelope holds a challenge for her hand in marriage to see which of the suitors is able to successfully shoot a bow and arrow through twelve axhandle sockets. Odysseus, disguised as a beggar, successfully completes the challenge and reveals himself. This astonishes the suitors because they thought that Odysseus had died along his journey. Odysseus then attempts to get revenge on the suitors who were trying to seize his life that he had worked hard to build. He does this by killing all of the suitors with his bow and arrow and reclaiming his place in Ithaca. I learned this information in class today to further our understanding of the Odyessy and of Odysseus’ journey. His characteristics of valor and wisdom are apparent in these two excerpts. This shapes his role as an epic hero. Also, I learned about revenge in Ancient Greek culture and in current society by connecting it to the texts. I will use what I learned today to guide me towards the conclusion of the Odyessy and to enable me to understand the text as a whole. The vengeance that Odysseus depicts at this part of the story sheds light on how important it was to ‘return the favor’ in Greek culture. In essence, the information gathered from this class is crucial to my comprehension of Odysseus as an epic hero and how this journey has affected his character.

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