Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Blogger #7 - Owen Chen - Period 3 - 12/21/2021

 We began class off with what we left off from yesterday. 

In the beginning we had announcements about the following days. 

We were told to discuss the 12 questions from the previous lesson.

Group discussion about the questions

  1. We believed Shakespeare chose to have the murder set off stage because in the pre lesson we learned about how Macbeth tragedy happens in the play and maybe it was to prevent an actual murder.

  2. The theme of nature that has been revealed at the start of this scene by lady Macbeth is The owl shrieking and the fatal bellman that signals the death of Duncan. Owl shrieking was a symbol of the rational knowledge going away and a sign of death.

  3. Lady Macbeth appears to be weak as she told Macbeth to go back into Duncan’s room and check if he is really dead. This risks the life of Duncan and she doesn't want to put herself in danger. 

Class discussion

  1. The class conversation started off with sean answering the first question saying maybe shakespeare didn’t want an actual murder to occur on stage. Another classmate added in with “someone was stabbed in a play of Macbeth, which created suspense” Another classmate from team 4 said this was an actual play, and it can’t be shown to the audience since they can’t kill royalty on stage

Teacher- Shakespeare doesn’t really show on stage the killing of royalty as this play was for the royalty, and it might anger and piss off the royalty when they show the stabbing of someone representing the royalty . And who knows what might happen after the show. So most of the killings are not shown on stage.

  1. For number 2, the owl’s shriek symbolizes the rational knowledge of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth leaving. Also it symbolizes the death of Duncan.

  1. Lady Macbeth said she wouldn’t have been able to kill Duncan because Duncan looks like her father when he sleeps and she can’t bring herself to kill him. This show she is a hypocrite because she said that Macbeth was scared, a coward and feminine and not very manly yet when she was asked to do murder the king, she didn’t want to do it since the king looks like her father when asleep.

  1. They are nervous and kind of all over the place as they just killed a King and have many different emotions mixed together. As they are reflecting upon what deed they have just committed. 

  1. Macbeth got spooked by the voice in his head and by Donaldbain and Malcolm joking and laughing about murder of the king in his sleep. This spooked Macbeth as it shows that Donaldbain was still awake and screamed murder which made Macbeth think he got caught. He got spooked by every little sound heard.

  1. Macbeth hear someone say sleep no more and murder sleep. Sleep is murderer and the literary device are personification, illiteration, and irony. Macbeth murdered Duncan in his sleep which made Macbeth unable to sleep and also possible assassination in the same manner he did to Duncan which represent the literary device, irony.

  1. He walks out the chamberlain with bloody daggers and he walks around his castle. This ruins the plan as the blood was supposed to be smeared everywhere and the daggers in Duncan. Then which would make people think a killer killed the king and fled leaving the weapon. Now, because Macbeth carried the daggers, this endangers Macbeth, as he could have been caught being seen carrying around bloody daggers.

  1. Macbeth carried the daggers with him when he was supposed to plant it in Duncan’s body. This ruins the plan and to continue with the plan, it means that Macbeth will have to go back to the crime scene and see Duncan’s dead body again.

  1.  This is to make sure he is dead. Macbeth didn’t follow the plan and Lady Macbeth had to go herself and get her hands dirty finishing Macbeth’s job. This might put Lady Macbeth in feelings of scared, terrified and such. It might be too much for her to handle since she hasn't really experienced anything like this, especially finishing off a member of royalty.

  1. He can wash the blood off his hands literally but he will have a conscience of killing someone. He can’t cleanse his sins. Literally wash away the blood with little water but figuratively the little water can’t wash the murder from the mind. This is also an example of allusion.

11. She has to get her hands dirty and smear blood in the chamberlain since Macbeth did not finish his job properly. Resulting in Lady Macbeth having to dirty her clean hands. 

12.Literally wash with little water but this can’t wash the murder from the mind. This cant wash the guilt from both of their actions and it can't wash away their sins as the blood is gone but it is not gone from the mind.

Spirit reading of the teachers key

2 Tracy

3 Lesley

4 Britt

5 Nadine

6 Edward

7 Kelly, 

The deed that Macbeth did, killed off his character. In the beginning of the play, he was noble and proud, now he kills his character being dirty and lowly.

8 William 

9 Edward

10 William

Whole class discussion

How had the tone and mood shifted in this scene?

Kenneth-the tone and mood started shifting from calm to threatening tone with a dark mood.

Macbeth and Lady Macbeth's excitement from being the King and Queen shifted to both of them to be not someone they were before. This crime they committed changed their character’s thinking and rationality.

In what way dynamic characterization has been displayed?

First Macbeth was thane of Cawdor, noble and proud. Then his character changed to cunning and he became a nervous wreck. Not cool headed and not thinking rationally.

This is only act 2 scene 2, and there is this much change in character and this much allusions, symbols, and soliloquies, imagine what happen in the rest of the play

Lady Macbeth went from being loving and nice to cunning, evil, manipulative, and ambitions to kill the king, a roller coaster of characterization.

The play is filled with plot holes throughout.

Watching A film version of the play, Macbeth


In the film, you see the guards are drunk and asleep.

Macbeth tests if they are truly asleep by kicking the bodies.

After he confirmed they were really asleep, he took the daggers from the guards and slipped into Duncan’s chamberlain.

There lies the sleeping Duncan.

Macbeth crept over to Duncan's sleeping body, crept closer and closer, stared at him for a few seconds and removed Duncan’s blanket. Duncan wakes up in the film and Macbeth immediately seizes Duncan’s mouth to silence him since he was calling for help and the king struggles and is stabbed to death with a dagger by Macbeth. Duncan then got stabbed in the stomach.

(This was not shown in the book and it was different in the book as Duncan did NOT wake up in the book and he didn’t struggle or cry for help in the book as he did in the film.)

Lady Macbeth thought to herself and got startled by an owl shrieking. Which is a symbol of death.

Macbeth walked out of the room and met Lady Macbeth all bloody.

Macbeth shook, saying it was a sorry sight looking at his arm full of blood.

Lady Macbeth told Macbeth to get water to wash the bloody hand of his.

Lady Macbeth was shocked by the dagger that Macbeth carried with him instead of planted in the king.

Lady Macbeth got her hands dirty by asking for the dangers and going back to the chamberlain and plant the knife in Duncan. Macbeth proceeded to wash his hand. Startled by the knocking on the door. Every noise is startling. Lady Macbeth came back with the same colored hands as Macbeth, painted red with blood. They told themselves to go back to their own chamber and sleep, but the knocking continued.

Going back to the aim

Tone, mood, theme in Macbeth illuminated by symbols, owl, sleep, waters, look for depiction because they are motifs, that is how they contributed to the story as a whole.

End of lesson

Tomorrow is a big lesson

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