Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Blogger # 32 - Byron Zhao - Period 5 - 12/6/2021


How has Macbeth’s interactions with multiple characters, coupled with various or conflicting motivations, advanced for the plot or developed the theme? (Day 1 & 2)

Do Now:

  1. Describe a time when you or someone you know had some supernatural telling, i.e. tarot cards, psychics, etc, and you buy/ believed what was said. Explain why you. They believed it. 

Maxim shared with us that his family had a psychic and once when his grandmother had to have a heart surgery, the psychic predicted that his grandma would be fine which was what happened. 

  1. How do most people react to predictions about their future?

Most people would probably not believe it in the beginning and will only believe it after it happened.

  1. What may happen to the person if some of the things seem to come true?

Justin thinks that people will get more superstitious and curious on how the predictions work.


Macbeth - Act 1, Scene iii

Macbeth - Act 1, Scene vi

Reading these 2 scenes was quite confusing. However, as we got further into the reading, It started to become a little more clear to me. At first I did not understand what was going on until it was explained later to me. Though, these 2 scenes did not really answer my question and instead brought out more.

Three Witches

During our reading, we learned a little bit more about three witches that seem to be recurring characters in Macbeth. They were the first thing we were introduced to in Macbeth that brought us a lot of questions and little to no answers. The class discussed how the witches don’t seem as powerful as we thought or their powers had a lot of limitations. There was a case where the three witches could have got what they wanted to do more easily but instead they had to try.

Dramatic Devices

We then learned about three different types of dramatic devices and what they are used for. An aside is a remark made by a character, only for the audiences’ ears. Meanwhile, a soliloquy is when a character shares their own deep thoughts and feelings to the audience, while they are either alone or think they are alone. The last dramatic device we learned about was simplified. It is quite similar to a soliloquy in that a character is still talking about their deepest thoughts on something. But, in the case of a simplified, it is not interrupted by something while a soliloquy is often interrupted. 


Finally, we answered a set of questions in our team. They were pretty hard questions and had us really discuss what we thought about them. For example, when going over the question on Macbeth and Banquo’s reaction to the witch’s prophecy, their reaction may have been easy to tell. But, they meant so much more. Becoming king does not mean you will be a good king. My inference on what will happen in the future of the play is that Macbeth will be a failure of a king.

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