Thursday, December 2, 2021

Blogger #30, Winnie Wu, Pd 5, 12/02/21

Aim: How does the Witches (in Act I, scene i) set the mood and foreshadow events for the play?

First, we started with the Do Now. We first discussed the question in our group and then we came together as a class to share.

Do Now: Pair/Share

How would you define the word “Ambition”? Does this word have a Positive or Negative connotation?

Ambition is defined as a strong desire and drive to achieve a goal. Ambition has both positive and negative connotations depending on the goal and the person. For example if a student has an ambition to get into their dream school, it has a positive connotation. However, if a power-hungry leader has an ambition to take over a country, it has a negative connotation.


Next, we read a Case Study in our group and then answer the following questions. 

1. Identify Kathy’s character traits, which motivated her in actions

Some words we use to describe Kathy are ambitious, cunning and ruthless as she is willing to do anything to win which include sabotaging her friend’s chance to win. As the other teams said, Kathy is also selfish as she feels no guilt for her actions and did not feel sorry for her friend. We also described Kathy as insecure since she felt the need to sabotage others to win. This show she did not feel confident enough to win on her own. In addition, Kathy is superstitious as she believes what the Gypsies told her.

2.  How did they motivate her?

These traits motivate her to do anything to guarantee her success even if it means to play dirty and cheat. She also doesn’t feel guilty for her actions. 

3. What external factors also contribute to her decision 

An external factor is the fortune- telling Gypsies Kathy met at the mall.

4.  How were they contributors?

The Gypsies told her actions will eventually bring her success which encourage her to do what she did.

5. How might this affect Kathy’s future?

Kathy might continue doing this to her other friends like Susan. I think this might help her in the beginning but she will eventually get caught. If she did get caught, she might lose all her friends and get kicked out of the team. As Rory saids, she might eventually turn over a new leaf (highly improbable) and feel regret and guilt for her actions, that would maybe ruin her future as she might get affected by her thoughts.

Whole Class Discussion

1. How does ambition impact a person’s actions?

Bad ambition can cause a person to do selfish things in order to achieve their goals. However, good ambition can bring a person up to another level, and help them rise.

2. How can possible future dangers/pitfalls arise from ambition?

A person’s ambition might lead them to hurt others and themselves. They might not end up achieving their goals.

3. What might a person need to do to channel ambition to result in a positive outcome?

A person needs to be logical and reasonable and think before acting. 

What is Antithesis?

Antithesis - two contradicting ideas are put together in a sentence.

We watch part of the video on what antithesis is and some examples of antithesis in Shakesphere.

What is Foreshadowing?

Foreshadowing - when future events in a story are suggested by the author before it happens. 

We already learned foreshadowing in the past so we didn’t watch the video. However, the video is here if you need to review or go back. 


Macbeth (Folger Shakespeare Library): Shakespeare, William, Mowat, Dr.  Barbara A., Werstine Ph.D., Paul: 9781451694727: Books

We began reading Macbeth, Act I, scene i. (Page 7 on physical book) (Page 4 on digital book). We follow along to the audio. 

After we finished reading, we answered the following questions in our group. Then we share our answer with the class.


  1. How has the mood been established in the opening of the play?

Mood is dark, scary, creepy and unsettling. The witches ask short rhetorical questions and the line is very short. The “thunder and lightning and rain” inspires dread in the readers.

  1. How do you envision The Witches appearance and intentions based on the mood and dialogue?

I envision The Witches might be old, wrinkled and dressed in black. Based on the mood and dialogue, we can inferred The Witches have bad intentions 

  1. How has the setting been used to foreshadow future events?

The dark setting foreshadowed conflicts. The thunder and rain foreshadowed war and fighting.

  1. How would you interpret the line, “When the battle’s lost and won:”

I interpreted the lines as there are winners and losers of the war. They are going to both gain and lose something to the war.

  1. What might we deduce based on the fact that the first mentioning of Macbeth comes from the Witches?

They are going to Macbeth and cause problems for him. The Witches are planning their next meeting and during the meeting they’re going to meet Macbeth.

  1. Analyze the phrase, “Fair is foul, and foul is fair:” What do you believe this means? Take note of the use of alliteration and metaphors to express the actions and intentions of the characters!

This means what’s good is bad, what’s bad is good. Some things won’t be as they seem.

  1. Possible Theme ideas???

Possible theme is that some things aren’t as they seem. For example, the line, “fair is foul and foul is fair '' shows that something that seems fair is actually not and some things that seem foul are actually fair.

  1. How is antithesis/verbal contradictions used in this scene?

Antithesis is used in this scene to set the mood of the story and foreshadow future events. For example, the “battle won and lost” foreshadowed war. 


Today I learned antithesis is two contradictory ideas that are put together in a phase or sentence. Antithesis are used in literature to create foreshadowing and mood. We also went over what foreshadowing is. Foreshadowing is when the author hints at future events before it happens. These literary devices will help me become a better reader in the future. I can identify antithesis in literature and use it and other literary devices to predict future events in literature. I also learned how ambition can cause a person to either work hard to achieve their goal or to hurt others and do selfish things to achieve their goals. In order to achieve positive outcomes from one’s ambition, we must be reasonable and logical. 

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