Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Blogger #32 - Shilin Yu - Period 9 - 12/08/2021

Shilin Yu                                                                                              December 8th, 2021

Aim: How does Shakespeare’s perspective expose the gender roles of Medieval and Elizabethan times through an examination of Lady Macbeth?

Today we watched the Play of Macbeth.

“Long live the King” spoken by Thane of Crowder, is irony as Macbeth is plotting King Ducan’s death

It is used by Shakespeare in his plays many times to flatter King James II, who has a short attention Span, also used as a code.

Do Now: Review the quote
“Stars hide your fires
Let not light see my Dark and Deep Desires”

        1. What does it reveal about Macbeth’s character?

This quotes reveals traitorous side to Macbeth and him wanting to be King

The literally meaning would be for all the stars to go out and nobody to see his true self
The figurative language in this would be for all his secrets to be concealed and for his desire for the king to be concealed.

        2. How is his character compared to Banquo’s
His character compared to Banquo is that he is much more dark and dishonest, while Banquo is more honest, humble, and a better person overall.

Roles of Women during the Medieval times:
  • Kitchen staff
  • Cook
  • Queen
  • Consorts
  • Caretakers
  • Brothels
  • Gifts/political marriages
  • Housekeeper
Women weren’t equal to men
Didn’t have rights to free opinions
They had to obey men
Their only way for Women to voice their thoughts would through manipulation of Husbands, favors and household influences

Inverness - Castle of Macbeth
Pall - the shroud which covers dead people
Pall bearers - workers who carries coffins

Question - what does “milk” symbolizes
Milk symbolizes Kindness, good and nice. When a mother breastfeeds her child, it creates a bond of familial love between them.


From this lesson, even though there was a movie taking most of the time, I learned that even though Women during the medieval times still didn’t have any rights and usually in lower position, they still can and have influences on everything. Like Lady Macbeth who has the power in the relationship and mastermind behind Macbeth and plots for Macbeth to become king.

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