Thursday, December 2, 2021

Blogger #29 - Richard Wang - Period 8 - 12/2/21

 Aim: How do the witches (in Act I, scene i) set the mood and foreshadow events for the play?

Do Now: Pair/Share

How would you define the word “ambition?”

I would define the word “ambition” as being motivated or passionate about something. You are looking towards it and excited. It is a strong desire that exhilarates.    

Does this word have a positive or negative connotation?

I think being ambitious can have a positive and a negative connotation. When you think of ambition you think of a goal, object, or dream that you want to reach. Being ambitious can mean being proactive, motivated, and working hard towards a goal. It can be useful and propel you to success. However, one can also be overly ambitious, having lofty goals and being overzealous. One may think oneself right and optimal, but others may not agree. One overly ambitious may be overly confident. One may ignore others in their own pursuit of what they aspire. Ambition may consume a person and corrupt them, causing them to turn to evil. Ambition can turn into an obsessive, unhealthy addiction. 


We read a case study and answered some questions:

1. Identify Kathy’s character traits, which motivated her in action(s).

Kathy is a diligent, ambitious, superstitious, desperate, insecure, talented hard-worker. In the first paragraph, it says, “For the past eight years, Kathy A. has been ice skating for eight hours a day preparing for pre-Olympic tryouts.” 

2. How had they motivated her?

Kathy wants to qualify extremely badly for the Olympic team, so much so that she is willing to do anything. As long as she makes it, all is well. Kathy is also clearly insecure. She is ambitious, but desperate and not confident in her ability, so she sabotages a fellow contestant that was vulnerable, (she was staying with Kathy’s family) Marlene. 

3. What external factors also contributed to her decision?

External factors contributed to her decision. An old gypsy woman in a tiny booth in the center of the mall told a fortune to Kathy, revealing that she is meant to be number one, a winner, and to never settle for number two. Her circumstances also contributed to her decision. Marlene, a friend of Kathy, was a prime target. She was vulnerable because she trusted Kathy.

Kathy is in a competition. All contestants are vying to qualify for the Olympic team. 

4. How were they contributors?

Marlene was a victim and the old gypsy woman probably never meant for Kathy to take it so far, but she did take it that far. What the gypsy told Kathy happened to be a self-fulfilling prophecy. Kathy decided to take it in her own hands and she manifested and realized it herself. Meanwhile, Marlene trusted Kathy and was in her care. Marlene is a particularly deep sleeper. Kathy knows this and took advantage of it. She turned off all her friend's alarms and purposefully never woke her up in time for the competition. Every contestant wants to make it, but not everybody can. Everybody is competition, and everybody is trying to gain the upper hand on each other. 

5. How might this action affect Kathy’s future? Why?

Kathy may win in the short run, but perhaps not for long. The old gypsy woman told Susan that she would reign supreme longer. (possible foreshadowing)  Kathy may well be caught. If so, she will be shunned by fellow competitors, the whole ice skating circuit, the organizers of the Olympics, and most importantly, Marlene. 

Whole Class Discussion

How does ambition impact a person’s actions?

Ambition can bring out the worst in someone. It can reveal the innate evil in people. It can blind. It can cause one to act unlike oneself, composed and not irrationally.

How can possible future dangers/pitfalls arise from ambition?

Being overly ambitious can be unhealthy in the long run. It can isolate you from others. You may be disliked. Ambition can cause one to overlook other aspects of life; to neglect. Ambition can bring ruin. If you continue to do as you want, you may eventually do something so heinous that it is irreversible and irredeemable. Meanwhile, you are left to rot and regret.

What might a person need to do to channel ambition to result in a positive outcome?

Use ambition to fuel yourself. Focus on improving only yourself, while not focusing on others. (think of pushing yourself up, not dragging others down!)

What is Antithesis?

Definition and Examples of Antithesis 

What is Foreshadowing?

Definition and Examples of  Foreshadowing 

Begin Reading Macbeth, Act I, scene i 


1. How has the mood been established in the opening of the play?

The mood is eerie, spooky, scary, ominous, mysterious, creepy. It is established through description and dialogue. We have three witches describing a storm. (lightning, thunder, rain, fog, filthy air)

2. How do you envision The Witches appearance and intentions based on the mood and dialogue?

 Based on the mood and dialogue, I envision The Witches as being old, wrinkly, and wise. 

 Through their dialogue, it seems they have lived for very long and have seen very much. 

They will be withered, have crackling voices according to the audio, and probably have a mole or two like any other witch. In addition, The Witches utter names of animals. Graymalkin means cat, paddock means toad or hedgehog, and anon means harpy. (monster in Greek mythology with head of woman and body of bird) The Witches may have some physical characteristics of their corresponding animal. 

3. How has the setting been used to foreshadow future events?

The setting has been used to foreshadow future events. The Witches have something in mind. The First Witch asks, “When shall we meet again?” They will not be found together for very long, not until the end of a war. Upon the end, they will meet at a heath, uncultivated land, with Macbeth to put their plan into action.

4. How would you interpret the line, “When the battle’s lost and won:”

I would interpret the line, “When the battle’s lost and won:” as war is currently happening. There will always be a winning side and losing side in war. History will side with one party, but not the other. Upon victory and defeat, they will meet and execute their plan.

5. What might we deduce based on the fact that the first mentioning of Macbeth comes from the Witches?

Based on the fact that the first mentioning of Macbeth comes from the Witches, we can infer that Macbeth is a force of evil. The Witches are probably up to no good and plotting with Macbeth makes him an accomplice. Back in medieval Europe, being a witch meant immediate execution. Even just the slightest suspicion of being one could get one killed. 

6. Analyze the phrase, “Fair is foul, and foul is fair:” What do you believe this means? Take note of the use of alliteration and metaphors to express the actions and intentions of the characters!

I think the phrase “Fair is foul, and foul is fair:” means that anything goes. Cheating is encouraged to win. In Layman's terms, what is good is bad and what is bad is good. War is war. Playing dirty to win is commonplace and expected. As long as you get results, forget about the process. 

7. Possible Theme ideas??? 

Evil and Darkness, Appearance and Reality, Conflict and War 

8. How is antithesis/verbal contradictions used in this scene?

Antithesis/verbal contradictions are used in this scene. An example is the aforementioned phrase “Fair is foul, and foul is fair.” Fair and foul are contradictory and the exact opposite of each other. The phrase is used to convey the lawlessness and chaos of war. In war, you are not supposed to play by the rules. You are to try any means in order to win and crumple the enemy beneath your feet. 


What did I learn?

Today, I learned both sides of ambition: the good and the bad. Ambition can lead to success, but it can also lead to demise. It can make one prosper, but make another suffer. It can drive us to do great things, but terrible, irredeemable things as well. I learned about antithesis and foreshadowing too. Antithesis is when two antonyms are placed side by side. Foreshadowing is when the author hints at something in plot that will happen before it actually happens. 

Why did I learn it?

I learned this in preparation for reading Macbeth. More examples of antithesis and foreshadowing will appear as well as the idea of ambition. I will need to be able to put two and two together and connect these ideas. I should be able to point them out in the text when they occur. I also now know the dangers and benefits of ambition. It can be dangerous and risky or helpful and the only thing keeping me afloat. Now that I am informed, I should tread carefully. 

How will I use what I learned?

I will use what I learned to prepare for the rest of Macbeth. I will keep in mind the material from today and use it to connect to the rest of Macbeth. I will try to control my ambition and be ambitious in moderation. I will not be overzealous, but at the same time, I will strive to be motivated and passionate.

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