Crystal Yeung December 7th, 2021
Aim: How has Macbeth’s interactions with multiple characters, coupled with various or conflicting motivations, advanced the plot or developed the theme? (Day 1 & 2)
Do Now: This is day 2 of our lesson so we are starting where we left off, the first soliloquy.
1st soliloquy:
Copy and paste the soliloquy into your English notes doc. Annotate all of the figurative language used in the soliloquy. Then explain what it means.
Our group discussed that this soliloquy showed how torn Macbeth was because of what the witches said. He thinks the witches' prophecies must be true but if it is bad why is it giving him a taste of success but if it is good why does the prophecy fill him with dread.
Class discussion - anaphora- repetition of a phrase
The first two lines show what the soliloquy is about - “Two truths are told, As happy prologues to the swelling act Of the imperial theme.” It talks about the truths from the witches and the imperial theme is the kingship. The supernatural soliciting he is referring to are the 3 witches. The ending of this soliloquy represent now freaked out Macbeth is because he realizes one of the only ways to become king is murdering the present king, Duncan.
Whole class discussion
Consider the way things have transpired thus far. Can you see any possible conflicts as a result? If so, between who?
Ilaria said man vs self (internal conflict) because Macbeth is conflicted on what to do to be king.
John Pierre added on man vs man, Macbeth vs Duncan and Macbeth vs Banquo.
Lastly, Emily stated man vs fate could also be a conflict because Macbeth is struggle
How does the prophecy of the “3” witches distort Macbeth’s inherent “goodness and honor”?
At the start of the story Macbeth is naturally good/noble and does what's right for the country. Noah shared that Macbeth thinks about how to gain power and stay in power. Ben, then, added on that Macbeth is afraid of trying anything because if he gets caught he will die.
Teamwork then discussion (Act 1 scene 4)
1) How would you describe King Duncan’s attributes, upon first meeting him?
Team - we said that king Duncan is a kind ruler, and he seems very considerate of others.
Class- team 3 said that he’s a kind ruler, compassionate and generous, and team 7 said that Duncan gives Macbeth the title of thane of Cawdor and it can be seen as a very generous thing to do. Emily adds on that he is very trusting even though he has just been betrayed
2) Do you consider any of his attributes to be potential character flaws? If so, which?
Team - his flaw is being too gullible and trusting. Was very trusting to Macbeth and even gave him an important title
Class- even though Duncan was just betrayed by one of his closest associates he was willing to trust others
3) What is the foreshadowing in King Duncan’s assertion, “There’s no art / To find the mind’s construction in the face. / He was a gentleman on whom I built / An absolute trust” ?
Team- the foreshadowing is how king Duncan is going to also trust Macbeth and Macbeth might betray him.
Class- People don’t know what someone is thinking from their face. Macbeth carries over the title and Duncan will continue to trust the thane of Cawdor
4) How does Duncan use metaphor to describe how he feels about Banquo’s accomplishments in the war?
Team- We compared Banquo's accomplishments to food, many accomplishments and he is full
Class- how amazing Banquo has done, praises what he did during the war
5) How does Banquo respond? What is his tone? What is revealed and understood about Banquo’s characterization; based on all of his conversations with others?
Team - We said that Banquo is seen as humble because he accepts what the king says and says that what's his is your (the kings).
Class- he showed that he is grateful for what I did, he operates on his own love and care for the place
6) How is Macbeth impacted by Duncan’s naming of his son and what does this expose about his “true” feelings? Refer to line: “Stars, hide your fires; / Let not light see my black and deep desires.”
Team - We said that it shows that he is plotting something as he gets closer to Duncan. hopes Duncan cannot see his true feelings
Class- Ilaria said that Macbeth has to debate either not binge king or he has to overthrow Malcolm
These two scenes were hard to understand at first. When we first did the initial reading I did not know what was happening but after these team discussions it helped me understand it more. I was able to understand the different literary devices used and how they impact the writing. Also analyzing the soliloquy as a class helped me understand Macbeth's intentions more.
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