Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Blogger #11 Annie Lin Period 12.22.2021

 Reminder: For tomorrow you won’t need your macbeth book and your devices for this class

                  Make sure at least one person in the team have a pen

Aim: How is the tone, mood and theme in Macbeth illuminated by the symbols in Act II, scene ii, while contributing to the work as a whole?

The first half of today’s lesson is a continuation of yesterday’s lesson therefore, there is no Do Now for this aim as it was completely previously. 

At the beginning of class, we had a little class discussion on the following questions: 

  1. How has the tone and mood shifted in this scene?

Towards the end of the scene Macbeth and Lady Macbeth were nervous, frantic, upset, angry, and Macbeth refused to go back to the crime scene. While in the beginning they almost did things with conviction and they just went and did it. They had ambition and they did all the mental work almost persuading themselves to commit to the killing. 

  1. In what way has dynamic characterization been displayed?

Lady Macbeth starts off with a character that was very loving, caring, strong, ambitious and convincing. Later on she starts to show weakness and changes as she mentions how Duncan resembles her father in his sleep. She used that as the reason she can’t do the deed. 

  1. In retrospect, how feasible was their plan?

Unfortunately for them their plan was not very feasible as Rory pointed out, they made the crime scene too perfect with the clues all perfectly lying there leading to the “murderer”, which may cause suspicion as the clues may not look convincing enough for someone such as an detective. There are many holes and unexplainable places in their plan. 

Afterwards we watched around 5 minutes of the movie and then we started the new lesson which was posted today. 

Aim: How is the play simultaneously lightened and darkened through Shakespeare’s implementation of “comic relief”?

Do Now: For the Do Now, we listed a bunch of famous conspiracy theories in the United States. There were quite a lot of them that were mentioned but here are what I was able to capture. Most of them were related to the government and technologies. 

  • Illuminati

  • Area 51

  • Mark Zuckerberg was actually an alien as he shows no emotions

  • The moon landing was fake

  • ​​

  • Assassinations of the princes

  • Bermuda triangle

  • ​​

  • Birds aren’t real and they work for the government helping to spy on the people

  • When you eat vegetables, they control your mind

  • The government is watching us through our webcams which class said it's the truth

  • 5G is controlling your mind 

  • The Twin Towers incident were buried explosives instead of airplanes

  • ​​

  • Barack Obama not being born in the US 

  • There are cameras all around us 

  • The world is ending- this one comes up every once in a while from 2010 to 2012 and similar events happened when we are crossing from the year 1999 to 2000

  • The Frozen Theory- the movie Frozen was actually made and named Frozen because Disney does not want more people to believe that Walt Disney’s body was frozen in the Carribeans. When you search “Walt Disney Frozen”, the results would be the movie Frozen instead of information for his potentially frozen body hidden somewhere. 

Mrs. Peterson provided a few more conspiracy theories that weren’t said before. 

After the very interesting and intriguing discussion about conspiracy theories, we went on and read about the Gunpowder Plot linked in the slides and here

Note: we didn’t get to finish the last slide before the bell rang. 

Some helpful mentions during the reading:

  • On slide 16 the quote “You would have me discover my friends.” would be similar to the modern saying, “You want me to snitch my friends?”

  • On slide 19 the hung method would be repeated multiple times until the person actually died. For the drawn method, the length of the intestines makes the process long enough for the person to already experience extreme pain and torture for quite some time before they get to die. And it can be interesting to know that for a short time after death or before being removed, the heart can still beat and pump as long as it has oxygen. 


In today’s class, I better understood the shift in the mood and tone from the previous scenes to act one scene two and the display of dynamic characterization. The second one was like an “oh wow” moment as I really looked at it today and realized how different the couple had acted. The do now however was very interesting and intriguing. I never fully realized the amount of conspiracy theories that were going around. Some of them are creepy and make me more cautious of my technologies and surroundings. Others gave me goosebumps and interested me to find out more about the conspiracy theory such as the conspiracy of Area 51. Someone today asked a very good question which is, “What happened to the other 50 areas before Area 51?” I did some research after class, but sadly I wasn’t able to find anything that shows that Area 51 was labeled 51 because of order. I think 51 is just a number they added a name to. I believe that the US government has Area 51 as a shield and as a tool to attract all the attention of the public. As the public gets more intrigued about the conspiracy behind Area 51, they are less likely to look at other places and find out about other stuff. It wouldn’t make sense for the secret base of the United States to be easily discovered and known by the public. A third of the conspiracy we listed makes me lose trust in the government and a bit of my sense of safety with my electronic devices lying around in my room. Another one third of the conspiracy makes me contemplate and reflect on society today for there to be a well known conspiracy that eating vegetables will allow them to gain control of your brain and that 5G is also controlling our minds along with other conspiracies that all lead to our minds being controlled. It is just unbelievable to me that knowing the brain is still the most confusing, difficult and most unknown territory of our body for the experts in medical fields, and still believing that our minds are that easily conquered and manipulated. I will definitely use what I learned today and use it to observe the world and to observe the characters in future readings. It is fascinating how a character can change that much in their characterization within a short period of time. I will look further into the conspiracies I heard of in today’s lesson that makes sense to me because it is a very interesting topic for me to explore. The Gunpowder Plot was also interesting as luck is shown to be able to help the events and to ruin the events planned. 

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