Thursday, December 9, 2021

Blogger #34 - Christopher Zhang - Period 8 - 12/9/2021


We started the day's lesson picking up from the teamwork questions about milk that we had left off on yesterday. 


We were given a few minutes to recollect our thoughts and to discuss with our team about the two questions. Some thoughts passed around was that it represents nurture which Gabriel suggested and femininity which Thomas pointed out. Some other thoughts shared where that it could symbolize caring, kindness, and loving. The imagery that it evokes would be that of home and safety. 

Next up, we had some more discussion questions regarding Lady Macbeth and her husband Macbeth.


Lady Macbeth believes that her husband is a kind person, perhaps too kind. She implies that he would be too kind to kill King Duncan to gain power. Eliot said that he is a brave man but he is a bit indecisive and cowardly. Elizabeth added on by referencing the milk we had discussed minutes earlier, she said that he is too kind since he is full of milk and Ms. Peterson further elaborated that Macbeth is viewed as too soft and too feminine  Lady Macbeth feels like he possesses attributes of ambition and kindness but he still lacks ruthlessness which prevents him from obtaining his deepest and darkest desires of being king. She also plans to help in obtaining that ruthlessness that he lacks by whispering her ideas into his ear to sway his actions and thoughts. This marks the end of yesterday’s lesson and we now begin today’s lesson. 

Aim: How does an evaluation of Macbeth’s soliloquy validate his character as being both round and dynamic, and with many complexities? 

Do Now: 

Pair/Share Now 

Whole Class Discussion Later 

Interpret and Agree/Disagree

“ The female of the species is more deadly than the male.” NOTE: “The Female of the Species” is a poem by Rudyard Kipling. 

Margaret Thatcher once stated, “...If you want something done as a woman.” 

Our team had discussed that the first statement would be true in some cases since women could potentially get away with stuff by using their innocence and manipulation. Daniel also thought that the second statement could be true as well since there are some things that women can do that men don’t know how to do such as cooking, knitting, and other chores. The class also agreed with some of these claims. Eliot said that some female species could be more dangerous than their male counterparts. Ms. Peterson then led the discussion and pointed out that some animals have more powerful female counterparts such as lions in which the lioness does the hunting. The female praying mantises and black widows are both twice as large as their male counterparts. She then added that women are more cunning and that they have extremely long memories as they might forgive you, but they will never forget it. Elizabeth had added a connection to Macbeth saying how Lady Macbeth shows ruthlessness symbolizing the power that she has in comparison to her husband (female vs male) in correlation to the two genders of species such as a black widow with the female counterpart being stronger. 

Next, we acted out Scene V of Act 1 and Scene VI of Act 1.


Link to digital copy Ms. Peterson provided: 

Scene V: Pdf pages 16 - 18

Scene VI: Pdf pages 18 - 20

After acting, we watched the film version of Scene V and Scene VI. 

Following up, we were supposed to discuss the Teamwork Questions following, however the class had ended and we would follow up on it tomorrow. 


This lesson was really interesting, as I was immersed in the idea that women would potentially have more power than men since one wouldn’t really think that. Generally throughout history, men are viewed as stronger and in some ways superior to women. In this lesson I learned that women are actually in some aspects stronger than men. In scenes 5 and 6 we see that Lady Macbeth is more bold and ruthless than her husband Macbeth. I also learned that females in some species are the ones in charge. For example, I didn’t know that lioness hunted while the male lions would take care of the family. I believe that this lesson was constructed specifically to get our brains to think differently and to take in the unpopular opinion and construct on it. Before this lesson I would have thought that males would be stronger than females, however this lesson really showed that there is an opposite side to everything. I never really thought that women could be stronger than men through their deceptive, cunning, manipulative, and ruthless ways. I could apply this to several aspects of my life and see the other side even when I have a biased viewpoint. This would help me think about the choices I make, why I make them and whether or not it was the right decision to make. It would also challenge institutional thoughts that may have been ingrained into my mind already. 

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