Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Blogger #6 - Rain Guan - Period 5 - 12/15/2021

Aim: How are the major symbols in Macbeth used to create allusions and connections? (Day 1)

Today we started off with questions that we had left off from Tuesday. We worked on the question in our teams and discussed them afterwards with the entire class.

TEAMWORK—Revisit Lines 40—End

1. Explain the conflict between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth.

The conflict between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth is Macbeth having conflicted thoughts that caused him to reconsider whether he should kill Duncan while Lady Macbeth is mocking Macbeth for his cowardliness and starts to persuade him to act out their plan.

2. How does Lady Macbeth plan to aid him?

Lady Macbeth plans to help Macbeth by getting the guards so drunk that they will not notice Macbeth murder King Duncan in his sleep.

3. Based on your understanding of character types, what character type(s) fit Macbeth?

Character type(s) that fit Macbeth would be a round character as he is the protagonist and Macbeth is developing mentally. He can also be seen as a Dynamic character as he is also going through a significant change. 

4. How is Macbeth’s character flawed?

Macbeth’s character is flawed where Macbeth is too kind, indecisive, and is also easily swayed by other people. 

5. Who portrays more umbrage/offense, Macbeth or Lady

Macbeth? Justify.

Lady Macbeth portrays a more umbrage trait whereas Macbeth is hesitating, Lady Macbeth is full of ambition and wants to go through the plan no matter what. 

6. Why might Lady Macbeth be a better-suited assassin?

Lady Macbeth would be a better-suited assassin because she is very ambitious and would not stop no matter who or what stands in her way. 

7. *A critic once stated that this scene represents a clash of love and duty. With this in mind, which of the two do you believe wins out?

I think love would win out of the two because Macbeth is listening to the words of his wife, Lady Macbeth who is trying her very best to persuade Macbeth to act out the plan. 

8. How has cunning and manipulation played a role in Act I, vii?

Cunning and manipulation played a role in Act I, vii as Lady Macbeth is trying her best to manipulate Macbeth into killing Duncan. 


With your partner, construct a message to them (may be digital or pen/paper) by solely using images. Upon completion, exchange so you can see if you understand what the other conveyed.

In this do now, I used the following images:

When deciphered, you would get “Good Workers.”


  • Something that is tangible or visible, and the idea expressed must be something abstract or universal. 

  • Hieroglyphics = foundation of reading and writing

  • Cuneiform: denoting or relating to the wedge-shaped characters that are used in ancient writing systems. (Mesopotamia, Persia, and Ugarit.)

Where can we find Symbols?

  • Street signs

  • Dreams (the epitome of communicating complex ideas through images)

Draw an image of a tree and compare it with your Team’s Drawing. 

The tree I drew was:

From this piece of drawing, it can be interpreted as a symbol where it would represent life and nature as a tree would be green and healthy. 

We ended class after each partner in different teams shared their drawing with one another.


What did I learn?

Today I learned about symbols as they contain meanings that can be abstract and universal and how symbols exist in our daily life. Some examples of symbols would be hieroglyphics and cuneiforms. Cuneiforms came from Mesopotamia, Persia and Ugarit. 

Why did I learn it?

I learned about symbols as I am able to identify them in literature work alone in real life. With that knowledge, I am also able to decipher what kind of meanings certain symbols hold as I can apply this skill in my everyday life.

How will I use what I learned?

With the skills that I learned from this lesson, I can use this skill while reading literature work along with applying it in my daily life. 

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