Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Blogger #1, Chloe Chen, PD 5, 12/08/2021

 Note: We continued from the end of Lesson 3

3 Studs Mac Act I, iii, and iv

Aim: How has Macbeth’s interactions with multiple characters, coupled with various or conflicting motivations, advanced the plot or developed the theme?

  • How is Macbeth impacted by Duncan’s naming of his son and what does this expose about his “true” feelings?  Refer to the line: “Stars, hide your fires; / Let not light see my black and deep desires.” 

Macbeth wants to kill Malcolm in order to get the crown. He’s stressed because he has another blockage on his way to getting the crown. 

We watched a portion of the Macbeth Movie:

We noticed that the scenes were really different from what we have read in the book. But, we were introduced to all the characters and they all said their lines in the book. The Thane of Cawdor was executed in the movie. We discussed the line “Long Live the King” in the play and the irony in that line. We obviously know that the King is going to die because Macbeth is planning to kill him. 

Aim: How does Shakespeare’s perspective expose the gender roles of Medieval and Elizabethan times through an examination of Lady Macbeth?

Image result for stars hide your fires"

Do Now: Review the quote 

  1. What does it reveal about Macbeth’s character?

Our group thought the quote means no one sees his darkest desires or what he is up to. He is thinking about killing Duncan and becoming King, not wanting anyone to know about his desires. Rory said they thought Macbeth had an ulterior motive; he doesn't want the light to expose it. The stars literally light up and twinkle in the sky, he wants the entire sky to be dark so that nothing will illuminate his true intentions. 

  1. How is his character compared to Banquo’s? 

The class discussed that Banquo wears his heart on his sleeves, he states everything he wants. He asked the witch what would happen to him. Macbeth hides the fact he wants to be king, how power-hungry and greedy he is. Macbeth doesn’t want anyone to know what he is thinking, Banquo’s honesty makes him humble. Macbeth is easily tricked and flattered by the witches while Banquo is a better person because he isn’t keeping secrets or as gullible to believing the witches as Macbeth. 

A Brief Look at Feminism in Shakespeare's "Macbeth" - Inquiries Journal


The Roles of Women in the Medieval Times

Work Collaboratively to create a list of roles you believe were prevalent during this time period

 Group List: 

  • Mothers

  • Birthgivers (producing an heir) 

  • Housekeepers

  • Being a Wife

  • Seamstress

  • Cook

  • Clean

  • Taking care of the Kids

Roles of Women:

  • They weren’t equal to men

  • They had to obey men

  • They had their own ideas be weren’t able to share their ideas freely

  • They manipulated their husbands, influence inside the household, and favors

Note: This was normal and expected at the time in Scotland

To Understand more about Women at the time: 

​​Women in medieval society

Start reading Act I, V

Pall- a covering over a body over a dead body 


Throughout today’s lesson, one of the most prominent ideas that popped out was the use of Irony. The way Shakespeare hids meaning behind each character and phrase makes the story really interesting. Although finding out the actual meaning of each phrase is hard, it feels like epiphany once you figure it out. The puzzles begin to fit when you slowly try to understand and analyze each character and what their lines mean. Today I learned that there can be multiple characteristics in one person. Without Macbeth's inner monologues, we would not have known what his true intentions were. I also learned that Shakespeare uses a lot of irony through his stories so I will keep that in the back of my mind as I continue reading Macbeth. One unpopular opinion I have of Macbeth is that I think his reaction to the witches is normal. I think that a lot of people would have the same reaction and if they found out that they had the chance to become king. Everyone has their wants and something to be greedy about, so although Macbeth’s intentions are not the best, they’re normal and understandable. 

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