Friday, December 3, 2021

Blogger #28 Matthew Tong Period 9 12/2/2021

 Aim: How do The Witches (in Act 1, Scene 1) set the mood and foreshadow events for the play?

Do Now: PAIR/SHARE - How would you define the word “Ambition”? Does this word have a Positive or Negative Connotation?

The class answered the do now with voices from John Pierre, Ilaria, Charith: The strong desire or drive to do something and has both a positive and negative connotation. Ms. Peterson confirms that the definition of ambition can be either positive or negative as the strong desire to achieve something can result in different ways.

For the Teamwork Activity we would have to complete a set of questions after reading the passage given as a team.

  1. Identify Kathy’s character traits, which motivated her in action(s).

The class says that Kathy’s character traits include, ambitious, saboteur, cunning, superstitious, selfishness and also lacking confidence in her ability to achieve her goal. 

  1. How had they motivated her?

A term given by Ms. Peterson was Self-fulfilling prophecy and an example is that: when you are young and are told something repeatedly over and over again, you eventually start believing what has been said. Therefore the constant repetition of the Gypsy Women who kept building confidence which motivated her to be the best. 

  1. What external factors also contributed to her decision?

Feeling guilt from previous experiences and the exposure to false thought contributed to the decision of securing a place on the team. 

  1. How were they contributors?

They were contributors since Kathy did not have enough confidence to believe that she would get on the team even though the Gypsy Woman clearly stated she was a winner and these factors played a role into her decision that would get her on the team without failure.

  1. How might this action affect Kathy’s future? Why?

This might affect Kathy’s future since after more events she experiences, she realizes or thinks back to the time when she kind of cheats in life to secure her spot on the team, contemplating her life choices that build up over time.


Students discuss the following questions.

How does ambition impact a person’s actions?

According to the whole class, we discussed how ambition can impact a person’s actions positively or negatively because the thought of achieving a goal to a very ambitious person will make them try to achieve it in any way without the thought of everyone around them.

How can possible future dangers/pitfalls arise from ambition?

The class said that having too much ambition can alter the decisions based on emotions and drive instead of rational thought. 

What might a person need to do to channel ambition to result in a positive outcome?

A person might need to think highly of themselves to a point where they are confident but not too confident they become selfish to others just to achieve their goal.

What is Antithesis? - Antithesis (N): A situation in which the author places two sharply contradicting ideas side-by-side in parallel words, phrases or structure.

NOTE: Antithesis is a form of Juxtaposition.

What is an antithesis? Video Link -

What is Foreshadowing? - A short definition of Foreshadowing is where future events in a story are suggested and implied before they happen through a variety of signs including ominous warning signs which usually entail a negative event that takes place. 

Video Link -

Today we also read the First Act Scene 1 of Macbeth in class which led to the Teamwork below.


  1. How has the mood been established in the opening of the play?

Our group thought the mood in the opening was eerie and ominous which was established by only a short section of words portraying the bad intentions of the witches through the importance of sound.

  1. How do you envision The Witches appearance and intentions based on the mood and dialogue?

The Witches have an eerie feel allowing the audience to envision how bad and wicked the witches might have appeared caused by the negative signs suggested.

  1. How has the setting been used to foreshadow future events?

The setting has been used to foreshadow future events using diction and the mood to indicate the intention of the bad witches and how there might be a horrible event soon.

How would you interpret the line, “When the battle’s lost and won:”

  1. What might we deduce based on the fact that the first mentioning of Macbeth comes from the Witches?

We might deduce based on the fact that Macbeth is mentioned first from the witches that they have an objective to do for Macbeth providing the fact that an event might occur leading to Macbeth.

  1. Analyze the phrase, “Fair is foul, and foul is fair:” What do you believe this means? Take note of the use of alliteration and metaphors to express the actions and intentions of the characters!

The class stated how this phrase meant that what is considered good is the direct opposite and what is considered bad is actually good. Implying that the actions and intentions of the characters are negative but, in their minds they assume it is good compared to actually good actions.

  1. Possible Theme ideas???

Some possible theme ideas could include Guilt and Fate.

  1. How is antithesis/verbal contradictions used in this scene?

Antithesis is used in this scene when it states how they will meet when the battle’s lost and won contradicting how it can’t be possible to lose and win a battle. 

Paradox (N) - The given definition of paradox is: a seemingly absurd or self-contradictory statement or proposition that when investigated or explained may prove to be well founded or true. Additionally, both parts are true, but in general, cannot both be true at the same time.

Video Link that explains a Paradox -


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