Saturday, December 18, 2021

Blogger #6 - Janice Chen - Period 8 - 12/17/2021

 Aim: How are the major symbols in Macbeth used to create allusions and connections?


Why are people concerned with the details of political murders? What dramatic killings have gripped the American people?

Today, we started the lesson by having a class discussion about political murders and the impact of the dramatic killings. As a class, we discussed how political killings can incite change and how the deaths of celebrities and historical figures grip the people. The deaths of a historical or popular figure can cause panic and change in the people, Some dramatic political murders we discussed were John F Kennedy, William McKinley, and Malcolm X were just some of the popular/political figures we discussed as a class. Elizabeth from Group 3 shouted out Princess Diana as one of the dramatic political murders. This stood out to me the most because I felt like this murder was going to be the one that fits with the story of Macbeth. Duncan was a loveable king while Princess Diana was a beloved and treasured princess. I feel like their deaths would be the most impactful towards the public. 

After completing the DoNow as a class, we split into groups to complete a chart that shows the emotional stages someone could experience while committing a crime. These emotions were significant because they showed how someone may continue to commit these crimes because they have gotten away with the crime. These emotions were found in Macbeth because he is currently feeling these emotions in the story and Shakespeare uses these emotions to foreshadow the events that are going to happen later on in the story. Perhaps Macbeth may commit another serious crime in the future and he may not be as lucky in the future. 

As a group and as a class, we came up with the list below. These were just some of the emotions we wrote down. Amy said that some emotions that would be felt were fear and anxiety before committing a crime. I agreed with her because these emotions of doubt can be racing through someone’s head before they commit a serious crime. Eric from Group 5 also came up that someone could feel the thrill and doubt of murder. I also found the points he made correct because I felt like if I were going to commit a crime, doubt would at least crawl into my mind followed by thrill. 




  • Fear

  • Anxiety

  • Desperation

  • Thrill

  • Anxious 

  • Doubt

  • Guilt

  • Satisfaction

  • Relief

After discussing the emotions that someone might feel, we started to read Macbeth “Act II Scene I”. Here is the digital copy: MACBETH. After reading the book, we discussed the symbols that were found in the act. Some of the acts we found were the torch, sleep, and the number 12. Multiples of three show that something supernatural is going to appear while the symbol of sleep symbolizes death. These were just some of the multiple symbols that were found in the story and the significance of these symbols foreshadow the events that are eventually going to happen in the story. These symbols have a deeper meaning than their literal meanings and Shakespeare uses these symbols to hide ideas that he didn’t state literally in the play. 

3rd Soliloquy in Macbeth

“The bell invites me. Hear it not, Duncan, for it is a knell that summons thee to heaven or to hell”

This is the 3rd soliloquy Shakespeare has used in the play, Macbeth. After every soliloquy, Shakespeare rhymes the words together, making them easier to spot and locate. This time, the soliloquy is about a bell. The bell in the story is going to symbolize Duncan's death. Once the bell rings, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth will be the ones to kill King Duncan. Usually, the bell inside a church symbolizes happiness when a child is born or if a couple is married. However, in this case, it will ring and cause death to Duncan. This is filled with irony because while the sound of a bell is supposed to be joyful, instead it causes death. 


After today’s lessons, I learned more about Shakespeare as a writer and about his writing techniques. We discussed the different emotions that can be invoked inside a person when they commit a crime and once someone is able to get away with these crimes, they would be more inclined to repeat such offenses again. These feelings that we discussed together, we're able to deeper connect with the story of Macbeth. The inner turmoils that Macbeth experienced and faced during the story were not necessarily the same ideas that a criminal may have. The purpose of this lesson was to show the complexity of human emotions and how different mindsets can determine what is molly correct and incorrect. From this lesson, I was able to have a better understanding of the allusions and hidden meanings behind simple objects and events. I would be able to attain a better sense of understanding towards morality and what would be correct and incorrect. Macbeth acted on his desire to kill King Duncan on his own desires. These desires overwhelmed him and caused the murder of Duncan. I can take away from the character study that we did on Duncan conflicting emotions and ideas would decide what is morally correct in a single individual’s mind. After today’s lessons, I will definitely be using the important lessons that were taught to me today. The lessons of morality and emotions can be applied to my daily life. While some things may seem unacceptable to me, it may seem acceptable to others. I shouldn’t act too harshly on my emotions and this can cause the tragedy that happened in Macbeth.

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