Friday, December 10, 2021

Blogger #34 - Cody Zhang - Period 3 - 12/10/2021

 Changing team names 

Team work

1.  That the castle feels warm comforting and inviting, that everything is wonderful, but the irony is that they are planning to kill him     

2. It appear nice like a flower but its hiding a serpent under posing to kill him.

3. They are not respecting their guest, because they plan to murder him , fake hospitality

4. Because Lady Macbeth is committed, but Macbeth is a bit worried, and that Duncan might read his face.

Background: The character of Lady Macbeth has caused much

critical disagreement. Some critics say she is pure evil, the

constant temptress (seductress) of Macbeth; others contend

/oppose that Shakespeare gives her many human qualities.

Directions: In an effort to obtain a better handle on Lady

Macbeth’s Character, work with your partner; create a list of both

the positive and negative attributes you feel best exemplify Lady

Macbeth, in these scenes.

Lady Macbeth

Positive Qualities

Negative Qualities


Awareness/keen perception

Through/excellent planner

Scheming, seducing Macbeth to kill the King

Unchecked ambition


Might do an extra mile


That the Witches started this that they speed it up , then Lady McBeth urges him to kill the king and stuff, Macbeth have it in the back of his mind but he doesn't really think it can happen. SO he gets influenced by both

Guilt,Or passive aggressive to make other people do what they want. They can cry and make  others to do do what they want. Or use their gender to use others.

There are different character types. Dynamic, static, flat, and round

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