Thursday, December 9, 2021

Blogger #2: Pinrong Chen, Period 5, 12/9/21

 To begin today’s class, we continued from where we left off in Lesson 4, Act I Scene V. 

Aim: How does Shakespeare’s perspective expose the gender roles of Medieval and Elizabethan times through an examination of Lady Macbeth?

Teamwork/Class Discussion 

The following questions were to be discussed among team members and were later opened for class discussion. 

Consider the role of women…

  • What do you perceive “milk” symbolizes?

  • When thinking about milk, conjure up the image of a mother feeding her innocent child. What kind of imagery does that evoke?

Discussion Summary: Milk symbolizes the pure, precious, and special connection between a mother and child. This bond and connection cannot be made by anyone else. The imagery that evokes is that the mother nurtures her child, in which the child’s existence all depends on the mother and her role.  

Stereotypical Definition of a woman: kind, loving, and nurturing

  1. What is Lady Macbeth’s perception of her husband?

  2. In her POV, what qualities/attributes does she feel he possesses?

  3. According to her, what qualities/attributes does he still need to obtain?

  4. How does she plan to assist him in obtaining what he lacks?

Discussion Summary: Lady Macbeth perceived her husband as a very kind, ambitious and confident person. She views him as innocent in a way and thinks that he is incapable of, and would be out of his own nature to kill Duncan. According to Lady Macbeth, he lacks the ruthlessness that is required to achieve his desires. She plans on whispering her ideas to Macbeth and pushing him to obtain his desires by influencing his judgment. What’s in it for her is that when Macbeth takes the title as King, she will gain the title of Queen. In addition, it was mentioned that her word choice is illustrated as if they are poison

Lesson 5 Act I, Scene VI

Aim: How does an evaluation of Macbeth’s soliloquy validate his character as being both round and dynamic, and with many complexities?


Interpret and Agree/Disagree

“The female of the species is more deadly than the male.” NOTE: "The Female of the Species" is a poem by Rudyard Kipling.

Margaret Thatcher once stated, “… If you want something done ask a woman.”

We were to analyze and discuss the two quotes which touch upon the topic of the power of the female species compared to the male species. My group discussed that society typically doesn’t expect much from females, which allows the females to just sit back and keep the power in their minds. Females are often underestimated due to the males holding the stereotype of physical power and strength. While the males are depicted with the physical strength, the female species have the power to psychologically manipulate which many may not realize due to the ways it is performed. Through class discussions, examples of species were used such as black widows, lions and mantises. These examples are relevant because in their daily situations and life, the females hold more power over the males. 


Macbeth Reading

After the do now, we continued reading Act I, V as a class in which students took roles in the reading. 

NOTE: Begin at line 61 [after Macbeth Enters]

After reading Act I, Scene V, we moved onto reading Act I, VI. 

Link to “Macbeth” by William Shakespeare 


We ended off today’s class by watching a section of the Macbeth movie corresponding to the scenes we read. 

Macbeth Movie (Act I, v & vi) - gives a better understanding, and visuals of the events read in the book as it can be very confusing. 

(18:47-28:50 - approximately 10:03 minutes) 

  • Ms.Peterson also does a really good job on explaining the events, and giving a summary on what we read as class. The intentions and the meaning behind the events that occurred and why they occurred are definitely enhanced through her explanations.  


In my opinion, reading Macbeth by William Shakespeare, or anything by William Shakespeare is quite a scary thing to do. I personally find the wording and phrases to be very confusing the majority of the time. Today’s lesson was mainly just discussion which gave detailed and important information on the events that took place in the reading. The topics discussed not only apply to the book but also to life and society in which a deeper meaning is brought to attention. For example, through discussion I realized that women really have more power than you would typically think. Women play a vital role in society, which would just not be the same without them. The group and class discussions are very beneficial to my personal understanding of the play written by Shakespeare. While following along on the reading as a class, a lot of things and phrases just did not make sense at first. I learned a bit more about Lady Macbeth’s character, her intentions, motives along with perception. Discussing and sharing thoughts with one another can help you realize further ideas that you would have never thought of on your own. In addition, I find the movie to also provide greater understanding and knowledge because it gives visuals to the scenes that may be hard to imagine through reading text. The speech and characters are enhanced through the acts, in which it is easier to follow along with the scenes and events. Through today’s lesson and discussions I was able to look into deeper meanings in ideas provided in Macbeth that even apply to daily life.   

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