Thursday, November 18, 2021

Blogger #3- Noah Chan- Period 2- 11/16/2021

 Aim: How does Odysseus establish his authority as an epic hero in the episode of   "The Challenge" and "Odysseus‘ Revenge”?


The  Ancient Greeks viewed revenge as a form of social justice.  They believed that if a horrid wrongdoing was done upon them, they had the right to return the favor; in whatever means they found just.  The Greek values greatly resembled the Hammurabi Code of Law for Justice:  “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth” mentality, meaning that whatever crime the perpetrator committed, the punishment brought upon him should be equal or fitting of the crime.

1. How does this compare to the way our society views revenge today?  

2. How does it compare to the way that you view revenge?

Our class had a WHOLE CLASS DISCUSSION which is when one student answers the question and chooses another student to answer the same or different question. We responded by discussing how, in today's world, society often considers revenge as an unacceptable approach to retaliate for someone's wrongdoing. Revenge is the action of inflicting hurt or harm on someone for an injury or wrong suffered at their hands.


Words to know

implacable (adj): unrelenting, stubborn; impossible to calm or appease.

quiver  (n): a portable case for holding arrows

entrails  (n –pl): internal organs, the intestines; within

Our class proceeded to spirit read “The Challenge” [2 pages] then “Odysseus’ Revenge” [4 pages]. (I attached the link)


“But the man skilled in all ways of contending, satisfied by the great bow’s look and heft, like a musician, like a harper, when he draws with quiet hand upon his instrument he draws between his thumb and forefinger a sweet new string upon a peg; so effortlessly Odysseus in one motion strung the bow. Then slid his right hand down the cord and plucked it, so the taut gut vibrating hummed and sang a swallows note” (Homer 1370-1379).

  1. What epic simile is created in the lines above, from “The Challenge”? Explain the comparison.

I responded by explaining how the epic simile compares Odysseus pulling his bow to a musician playing his instrument. This implies that he is as skilled in this art as a musician is in playing their instrument.

  1. Which of Odysseus’ qualities are being highlighted here?

    1. How is Homer presenting Odysseus to the audience?

I believe Odysseus' attributes of talent and glory are shown in this excerpt. Odysseus is seen holding his bow in the same way as a musician holds his instrument.

Acting The Odyssey 1997 (Odysseus’ Revenge) [9:18]


Law and Justice - Justice and Vengeance: Homer - 3.5 Debate: Revenge in Justice? [3:10]


  1. Why does Odysseus invoke Apollo in line 1411?

My team said Odysseus invokes Apollo because he was asking for help.

  1. In the episode of "Odysseus' Revenge,“ who is the first to die? Describe the immediate reaction of the suitors to this initial killing.

My team said the first to die was Antinous. After the initial killing, they all tried to fight back.

  1. What argument does Eurymachus use to try to persuade Odysseus to spare him and the others?

    My team said Eurymachus says that he did commit crimes and took care of his wife, Penelope.

  1. What three crimes of the Suitors does Odysseus mention when he begins the slaughter (lines 1438-1444)?  

    My team said their world, his world, and his house.


  1. Why do you believe Odysseus denies Eurymachus’ request to provide restitution for all they have consumed, and then some (lines 1467-1473)?

    My team said Odysseus thinks that everyone should pay the price of death.

  1. List at least two images/examples of figurative language that help you picture some of the most tense or most horrifying moments in the battle. Include line references!

    My team said lines 1531-1533 and lines 1522-1524.

  1. Odysseus is described as "implacable" in the revenge episode. Is he justified in killing all of the suitors?  Why or why not?

    My team said he is justified in killing all the suitors because Odysseus believes that the individuals he has trusted have deceived him. He sees vengeance as the only way to restore order in his home. That way, he will be able to restore his family and crown.

Analyze both paintings depicting Odysseus killing the suitors.  Do you believe the artists accurately depicted Odysseus’ attack on the suitors?  Would you evaluate this to be a “fair” fight-- why or why not?

Due to Odysseus being stronger than all of the suitors, yet he was still only one person against many, I judged that this was a "fair" fight.


What Is Justice?: Crash Course Philosophy #40 [10:15]

Is Revenge More Bitter Than Sweet? [4:01]

The Odyssey by Homer | Books 17-18 Summary and Analysis [2:58]

The Odyssey by Homer | Books 19-20 Summary [3:04]and Analysis 

The Odyssey by Homer | Book 21 Summary and Analysis [2:21]

The Odyssey by Homer | Book 22 Summary and Analysis [1:58] 


Today in class, I studied about Odysseus in "The Challenge" and "Odysseus' Revenge" from "The Odyssey." I studied the Ancient Greek habit of vengeance and how it was legitimately employed in their society. In this section of the narrative, Penelope organizes a contest for her hand in marriage to determine which of the suitors can successfully fire a bow and arrow through twelve axhandle sockets. Odysseus, dressed as a beggar, completes the challenge and reveals himself. The suitors are taken aback since they assumed Odysseus had perished along the way. Odysseus then seeks to exact revenge on the suitors who were attempting to take his life, which he had fought hard to construct.

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