Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Blogger #19 Maxim Nizhner Period 5 10/28/21

 Aim: How does the exposition of Lord of the Flies set up the novel to question how society structures the transition from childhood to adulthood?

Do Now: Here is the digital link for ‘Legal Ages’.

In pairs, try your best to guess and fill in the ages that you THINK apply (don’t look anything up yet, just guess).

In the response box, jot down why it does or doesn’t seem like the appropriate age for each item on the list.

The Legal Ages sheet simply asks to guesstimate legal ages for different laws in America, in which are mostly completely different from other countries, being allowed to drink or buy funny  juice, but you are able to to serve your life up to the military, and potentially die in war at a much younger age. Most of these laws have different legal ages in different states and countries. 

Our team mainly agreed on most of the ages being bogus, and I presume the other teams did as well.

Class Discussion

The majority of teams agree on the same two to three range of years of age. Most of the laws being around 18. However, teams disagreed way more about financial decisions as our team agreed on thirteen, while everyone else thought it should be eighteen. 

Alcohol being a typically disagreed upon legal age of 21, actually has good logical reasoning towards it, as the brain is not fully developed until 25 - 27.

To serve in the military you can be 17 with parental consent, which is honestly crazy to me as you’re still very young, as it is way more dangerous than most other things you have to be older in order to do those things. However in some countries, it is mandatory to join the military when you turn 18, in South Korea one of the only exceptions is popular k-pop band BTS.

Marriage is wild as it’s possible to get married between 14-15, with consent from a judge, however even about 100 years ago, the laws were way more loose on this. 

One of the most surprising things was that you need to be 25 years of age in order to rent a car, simply because when you’re a less experienced driver, you’re more likely to crash it, and insurance companies don’t like spending money.

Whole Group Discussion  

Did any surprise you? Do any seem particularly unfair? Which ones, and why?

Our group thinks that the legal age to make financial decisions should be as young as 13, in order to start being more responsible for your decisions.


Today we discussed age and I was able to learn about age limits relating to many laws and parts of life. I learned that the legal age to rent a car and do most other things that you would assume to be simple actions. We learned it in order to connect back to the overarching theme of growing up from childhood to adulthood in Lord of the Flies and we’ll use it while reading the novel and apply it to any noticeable parts of the story where it appears.

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