Sunday, November 21, 2021

Blogger #27 - Yu-Han Tung - Period 8 - 11/18/2021

 Aim: How can we, as students of literature, evaluate the value of Lord of the Flies through a dissection of themes and motifs?

Do now: Now that you’ve read the entire novel, what do you believe the major themes of the novel are? Why?

  • Civilization VS Savagery

  • Everyone has a “dark side”

Don’t cheat on the test and fulfill responsibilities as a test taker. 

Class discussion - - -


A broad idea message, or lesson that la conveyed by a work The message

may be about life, society, or human nature A Themes often explore timelet's

and universal ideas and may be implied rather than stated explicitly


A theme is timeless and universal, you can find the same theme in many works

of literature, such as "power leads to corruption”

A motif is specific to one work. For example the repetition of the “conch”

symbol makes it a motif for order within Lord of the Flies, but looking for a

“conch” in other works of literature would not make sense.

*Not all symbols are motifs!!!*

Group work - - -

Which is a theme, which is a motif? Why? (Explain following themes/symbols)

  • Loss of innocence - Theme

  • Piggy’s glasses - Motif

  • Negative consequences of war - Theme

  • Civilization VS savagery - Theme

  • The pig - Motif

  • The beast - Motif

  • Individuality VS conformity - Theme

Video and question: What do you think happened to the belief after Piggy was hit by the rock?

Summarizing questions:

  • What is a theme? What is a motif?

  • Why is it necessary to evaluate these elements in literature?

  • What are the major differences between theme and motif?

  • Are all symbols motifs? Why or why not?

Study tips - - -

  • Don’t study in bedroom/any other space related with leisure

  • Use study methods that help you individually, like associating names with color or listening to music

  • Sort and organize notes taken

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