Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Blogger #24 - Oluwabiyi Shittu - Period 5 - 11/9/21

 Aim:How does William golding draw on human nature and the bible to create themes as depicted in Chapter 8 of Lord of the flies 

Do Now:The Do Now was to analyze two pictures. The first picture depicts boys against a background. There are primarily three colors that are used in this image. Red which symbolizes blood, black, which symbolizes evil and death and white which is used to describe all the good they could have done. The second image depicts a godly figure with a figure that looks like the devil. The sharp contrast between the two figures is stark and is the highlight of the entire picture.

Independent Response:

The Independent response was all about the events that were portrayed in chapter 8 that pertained to the killing of the pig. The literal beast is a pig's head that the boys removed from the body of the pig. Simon knows that the beast is an internal thing in the boys.

Today's lesson was the first part in a two day lesson that is focusing on symbolism in chapter 8 in Lord of the flies. The story is beginning to ramp up and is jam packed with symbolism and information.

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