Monday, November 8, 2021

#23 Asdaq Rafeeque Period 5 11/8/2021

  The aim of today’s lesson was on the use of syntax and how it affects suspense.

Do Now - 

Do you think the boys are savage? If so, when do they transition?

I would say they were savage as they had returned to hunter gatherer roots and fighting over resources that were necessary to survival was normal. I feel like they become savage during chapter 7. Some people thought they were only somewhat savage. Someone stated the theory that if they were getting more savage the more hope was lost.

After that we discussed in class the definition of savagery. Some of the definitions we came up with were:

Savagery is uncivilized and meaningless violence. It could also mean loss of rationality. It could also mean a return to primal instinct and loss of civilization.  

We also learned about syntax. Syntax affects how the sentence is written and how it is written.It is the grammar of a language. eg. Let’s eat, Grandma! vs Let’s eat Grandma! Ms. Peterson told us to put a comma where we would stop for breath. 

Suspense -

It is excitement and/or anxiousness and creates interest. 

We read chapter 7 from 114 - 115 in class. We discussed how this was symbolic of a race for power with even Ralph joining and it representing rape and the feeling of power. It also reveals how Ralph desn’t feel like he has the power a chief should have.

Short sentences create suspense by writing horrific things over and over.  It is also easier to absorb adding more effect than a longer sentence would have.

This video helps demonstrate it:

From what we learned today I think that in order to build suspense, one should use smaller sentences and also notice how the way they are writing something affects the meaning of a sentence. 

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