Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Blogger 27 - Aaron Tian - Period 5- 11/27/21

 - Aim: How can we analyze the structure of irony in Lord of the Flies and its significance to the work as a whole? 

- Do Now- PAIR-SHARE: In our culture, we tend to value and appreciate rational thought. - How does this apply to Piggy’s reaction to Simon's death? 

- How is relying on rationality ironic in this circumstance? 

- In today's lesson we start with a Do Now discussing the events in chapter 10 in Lord of the Flies, We discuss how Piggy reacts to Simon death as it not his fault and trying to shift the blame to other members while he knows that he was involved with the death of Simon. Afterward the entire class talked through the Do Now, in the end the class came with the same opinion that Piggy is trying to rationalize he was not involved in the death of Simon. 

In the next slide we were given the definition of irony. Irony can be used by authors to get their audience to pause and consider what they've just heard, or to stress a crucial topic. Irony's success depends on the audience's ability to recognize the difference between what is stated and what is typical or anticipated.afterward we were shown a music video. Following the video we were told to discuss with our teammates how the lyrics of the video are ironic. When group discussion came to an end and the class started to share their answers. One group shared how the lyrics were ironic, saying how the person in the lyrics never went on a plane before and the time when he did go on a plane,it crashed. Following after we as a class continue to talk about the irony in the lyrics for another few minutes. Finishing the discussion we were given some pictures of

irony on the next slide after that. Ensuing the slide after there was another group work, this time we would have to answer three questions with our group members. 

- At the beginning of chapter 10, who is right Ralph or Piggy 

- Why does Samneric’s fight cause Piggy distress? 

- In this novel about chiefs and leaders - are there any heroes? Is this ironic? 

We examined the questions and chose between Ralph or Piggy. In the end most of our class chose Ralph as the more rational one since he was able to decipher the severity of the situation compared to Piggy who was influenced by his own emotion and trying to shift the blame away from himself. After thoroughly answering the first question we move on to the second question, this time we discuss why Sam and Eric fight cause Piggy to be in distress, Piggy knew that if they continues to stay on the island for any longer their mental health would deteriorate even more causing them to actually going crazy in the end. In the end we weren't able to answer all three questions when the period came to an end during the middle of the discussion for the second question thus concluding the lesson for today. 


- During today's lesson I had learned a variety of things such as the uses of irony throughout the story of Lord of the Flies example such as They must have regulations, according to Jack. The irony is that Jack eventually becomes the leader of the savages who murder Piggy. He rises to the position of chief savage and in the real world. Today's topic made me reflect on the importance of irony in literature and how it can impact the readers who are reading. I discovered that irony is just not only presented only in literature but in our daily lives as supported by our discussion about the music lyrics during the lesson. I learned how authors use irony in their literature to make readers think about the situation that is going on in the story and try to relate something that transpired previously.

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