Monday, November 8, 2021

Blogger #32- Leo Yang- Period 2- 11/8/2021

 Today at the start of class we started with a kahoot. The kahoot quizzed us about the events that happened in the book “The cattle of the sun God”. Team points were given to the top 3 students on the podium.


Aim:How can we use the theory of neuroplasticity to analyze Odysseus as a dynamic character?

Do Now:How open/receptive are you to try something

new, even when it’s scary?

    Afterwards we discussed questions based on the book “The cattle of the sun God” amongst our groups. After we finished discussing the question as a class, Ms.Peterson gave us a reminder of our postcard mini project and the requirements of the project. Ms.Peterson also showed us some projects from her former students.

    Soon after we began a new lesson; we started the lesson off with a question. How open/receptive are you to try something new, even when it’s scary? Most of the class said that they would try something new as long as it wasn’t scary. Afterwards, we watched a quick video about neuroplasticity.

Neuroplasticity Video Link



Today in class we took a kahoot with questions based on the chapter “The Cattle Of the Sun God” from the Odyssey. We also learned about neuroplasticity and how the brain can change depending on how we think about something. The definition of neuroplasticity is the ability for the brain to reorganize the brain’s way of thought and it’s usual habits.

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