Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Blogger #20 - Eric Lu - Period 8 - 11/3/2021

 Aim: How does the reaction of the boys to the “Beast in the Water” mimic the loss of control in their society?

Do Now: Reading Check Quiz Chapter 5 Kahoot

We started off the class with a simple kahoot that asked questions based on the events that unfolded in chapter 5 of Lord of the Flies. After the Kahoot, we were instructed to review the dialogue and figure out a pattern from each meeting called with a conch. After a few minutes of discussing with our groups, we came together as a class and discussed the pattern. Elliot says that Ralph calls everyone to the meeting but then someone disturbs the meeting by doing things which makes Piggy annoyed. After Piggy gets annoyed, the meeting goes on for a little bit before the littluns run away and the hunters leave. This type of meeting does not get the boys anywhere and is not a very healthy method of dialogue. 

We then did a Pair and Share where we had to identify the classroom rules, explain what would happen to the classroom structure if someone broke the rules, what would happen if the kid who broke the rules was a popular kid, what would happen if the teacher didn’t know how to handle the situation, and how this could relate to Chapter 5: Beast of Water. John said to not disturb class. Jason said to be respectful and Joey said to raise your hand to talk. I said if there was someone who disturbed the class, it would lessen the teacher’s power. The class said that if the disruptive student was a popular kid, then Nikita said that other students will most likely not follow the popular student while Kiera brought up the monkey see monkey do philosophy. 

For the slide on answering why Piggy was written as intelligent by Golding, Ms Peterson kicked off the discussion by bringing up her own story. There were triplets at her school who would terrorize the students there and their mother was an assistant principal at the school, so she would bail them out of every situation and pick on the students. This happened until high school, where they were very big and muscular. They were sent to prison and there was nothing their mother could do to bail them out since this was beyond the grasp of the DOE. With that story in mind, we, as a class, said that Jack acted as the “popular kid” and could influence others with his aggressive personality. Piggy was made more intelligent, rational, because, as Ethan says, Piggy stands out. Elliot said that Piggy was the exact opposite of Jack; there was no aggressive personality or an influential person. Elizabeth added on by saying that Piggy was ostracized by the others and if he had become the leader, none of the conflicts in the book would have happened. Ms Peterson added on by saying that the whole book is like a TV show, like the Masked Singer and The Voice, because outside appearances don’t make a difference in these TV shows; the inside appearance (your personality). 

Lastly we went over the upcoming project.


Today I learned that fiction literature does not always have to relate to other pieces of fiction literature; it’s ideas and themes can be linked to the real world in some way. For example, we can link the classroom to the island, where Ralph is sort of like a teacher, trying to get everyone’s attention and get them to listen while Jack is diverting their attention by riling everyone up and then running off into the woods.

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